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When you feel forced to cut your favorite foods to lose weight, you actually gain weight.

Every time you cut out your favorite food and replace it with a "health food" item that you hate, you are only left with a fridge full of expired product, and a few thousand restaurant receipts.


On eggs & kale for your fridge


On extra salt, butter, carbs & chemicals dining out

Modern Dieting

Eat only whatever your favorite food is--if that's ice cream--eat only that. If you love spaghetti, eat a plate of spaghetti every day, and only that. This can be small portions of it, throughout the day, or intermittent fasting until you are hungry, and letting it fully satisfy you at one time. I guarantee that you will be fulfilled and not binging on any random carb you kept in your pantry when you cleared it to "lose weight."

Don't ban foods you like when dieting. Putting specific foods (especially the ones we can't live without) off limits creates a constant craving for them and makes a diet more likely to fail. Also, many foods that dieters try to avoid may help with weight loss.

Examples: Some breads contain complex carbohydrates, which increases brain chemicals that reduce overeating. Pasta's high fluid content keeps you feeling fuller and for longer. Potatoes contain fiber that burn fat. Dark Chocolate satisfies a common craving, so eating moderate amounts can make you less likely to binge.

Final Tip: If you want a cookie, and give in to your desire, DON'T freak the fuck out and eat the rest of them. Just enjoy your cookie. Nothing is ruined. BUT if you eat all the cookies, then yeah everything is ruined.