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(NOT COMPLETED) But the moral of this story is to find someone who fits what you. So read all 3 types and how they are destroyed to see which one you are, and hold out for someone who is the same as you.


Emotional garbage that’s mean and likes to dream

Focuses on work, until someone they love passes their way.

Don’t try to date due to the nature of your being, you end up just getting your heart broken by someone you don’t even care about. Wait to meet them in person and get to know them, as friends for all their qualities, not just sex.  Sex screws them up the most. This is like in HIMYM, Ted and Robin get to know each other for years even though it was love at first sight, because just can’t be sure. Since they are both messes with who they choose to date, and prefer their careers over dating,  dating is just a chore to them, and therefore a time-waster. You can watch porn, and love yourself, you don’t need a nitpicking, alien (to you) person who wants to lock you down, when you’re just not sure.

Everyone loves everything about you, except your one major flaw—how much you suck. You don’t do everyday household things, you need a maid. You’re not an idiot about cleaning, in fact you are OCD about things being nice, or you can’t care about it whatsoever. Ignoring piles of papers and clothes for days, and then all of a sudden, when you think about it and you can’t stop thinking about it, you clean it or organize it. But it’s important that you are not made to feel bad about your messes, or forced to clean something when you’re not in the mood. You are ran by your mood. Scheduling normal things and sticking to the plan, when you feel greatly that you need to bail, is awful, and you need to stay away from anyone who makes you explain yourself—you just can’t. Some day in the future, or maybe in the next hour, or hindsight, you will be able to answer why you just shifted so heavily on something. Until then, you just don’t know, you FEEL IT.

People find it easier to plan your life, and boss you around, because they know you are more capable of completing tasks, than they are. And since you would never think to be so cruel to another person, by planning their life out, you don’t even realize they are doing this to you. Mars and Venus love planning, and scheming, so stay away from them if you can help it, Gaia and Uranus feel ill-equipped, so will latch on to you and ride you into the dirt. If you are an Eros who can’t find a Chaos, then just focus on your career and purpose. If you are Chaos, you are really rare, as women have not evolved as fast as men, due to the Age of Pisces, or the Age of deception—Neptune blocking the female energy while she develops. This is why women were capable of staying at home while their men worked, because she wasn’t as advanced, or as equipped to do it like they do. Now that we are more evolved, we see women in the public eye, doing the most. These are the only Chaos’s, except some that aren’t, because they are put upon by men who don’t carry their own weight.

You get bored of other people really fast, and check out of conversations with people who have no idea that you did. Only other Chaos and Eros, or Uranus and Gaia types know that you did—game recognizes game. Mars and Venus can’t tell—and you can’t tell when they do it to you, because of the hidden Mental nature that’s foreign to you. You love the idea of their ability to not give up their secrets, but don’t recognize what they actually mean.

Last thought: Chaos and Eros are often met with this insult by loved ones when you hurt them directly or indirectly: “That’s the problem with you that you don’t think.” And that isn’t and isn’t not the problem, but maybe they should just walk away if they can’t handle it.

“Streamlined” Chaos & Eros

Emotional recycling that’s mean and likes to scheme

Focuses on family and work, and forgets who they love.

This happens to Chaos and Eros types, when they are close to anyone who think they “know what’s best for you.”  This can also be a Gaia or Uranus, who tries to be the Chaos or Eros, because they are now fronting impossible energy, that they can never grow into—others will take advantage of this “false inner strength” and put weight on you to need to keep scheming. For the Chaos and Eros who are put upon to be like this, you are consistently speaking out your truths to everyone, before they have had time to incubate.

You are basically, run into the ground by other people who see your power, but don’t like it. Hence: everyone loves everything about you, except your one major flaw—how much you suck. So they believe they are streamlining you by making you answer for yourself right away, or explaining in detail the plan for the day, when you are just gonna play by ear. They are NOT helping you, they are making you stutter, and making the day worse for everyone, by speeding up your natural process so they can be in on it. You choose to be around people who don’t ask questions for this reason, alone. This is also the main reason you get into relationships with people who don’t care about you, because their lack of caring looks like they aren’t in your business.

To get out of this energy, and be your best self, you need to cut out toxic people, emotionally, mentally and physically, and make them understand that they don’t have access to running you into the ground anymore—with their ideas of how you “should be” and “act for them to feel better about you”.

If you don’t get out of this energy, you will be the most Cluster B Personality Disorder version of yourself that you can be. As Emotional Garbage, who love to work, can never become the Nothing Garbage that plans other people’s lives while doing nothing. So you are bent at the seams, bending over backwards to plan other people’s lives and your own. Scheming all the time, breaks your brains.

You know who you are here, if you (must check all boxes):

  1. Have a successful career that you worked your ass off—against a lot of oppression—to achieve.
  2. Have people who have never done anything with their life ever, question how much of your life you deserve and try to suck you dry of your energy, so you feel depleted every day, but you still show up to work, because it’s in your blood and you have to—to support others who don’t want to take care of themselves, or can’t. i.e. children.
  3. Want to die on the daily, because modern, suburban, authoritarian life is so against you and your energy that dictates how you want to live your life.
  4. Are Libertarian by nature, but also Fascist and Communist af. When you know, you know.
  5. Are really powerful. The energy of the room shifts when you walk in. People don’t like the shift at first, then fall in love with the shift, and then when you leave they are left missing something that they never knew they needed. However, no one gives you the benefit of knowing it—they treat you like less to protect their own egos against your anti-matter (energy matter unconsciously, and you are “anti-matter”).
  6. Know how to lock in docks, and you know when it’s time to change your dock. Without saying anything out loud—you just move. You can maneuver through cliques in the same way, if someone latches on to you and you know they are not for you, you change lanes and friends.
  7. Look untrustworthy, and that you likely kill babies, and eat dog, but are actually very trustworthy and nurturing to those you trust—you just don’t trust anyone, and people can sense that and project back on to you.
  8. Complain about negative things all the time (because it’s what you need to get off your chest), but never share your “good life” with others verbally, because you are so much more interesting than them, and it makes them feel awkward that they can’t compete with the incredibleness of your day.
  9. Never yell, you only speak harsh truths calmly, unless someone really rattles you. You are an expert in verbal combat.
  10. Can grovel quite easily, because the act of it means nothing to you, and you are never wrong, so who cares if someone proved you wrong—they were wrong.
  11. Get really turned on reading this, because someone finally gets you.



Mental garbage that’s mean and likes to scheme

Focuses on themselves, until something to do comes into focus.

Dating apps were made for them, they can judge a book by its written confession online, and by appearance. They really can read a book by it’s cover. They know what they want, but since Chaos and Eros should not be on these apps, they like meeting the best in person, as well. If we follow these rules, we don’t get in to deep with those we can’t keep.

You get bored of other people really fast, and check out of conversations with people who have no idea that you did. Only other Mars and Venus types know that you did—game recognizes game. Eros, Chaos, Uranus and Gaia types can’t tell, and you can’t tell when they do it to you, because of the hidden emotional nature that’s foreign to you. You love the idea of their weird faces, but don’t recognize what they actually mean.

You are the most sensitive type, because you worked your ass off mentally to prepare for every occasion, and can’t help but be hurt when they said that you worked out the math of your brain wrong. You are very conscious of appearance, yours and your partners even if they don’t care.

Last thought: Venus and Mars are often met with this insult by loved ones when you hurt them directly or indirectly: “Your meant to do this to me.” And you did or didn’t actually mean it, but the energy is projected on to you, either way.

“Streamlined” Venus & Mars

Mental recycling that’s kind and likes your behind

Focuses on everyone else, and forgets themselves.

Focuses on the one they are with, and forgets who they are. This happens when they are close to anyone who think they “know what’s best for you.” This can also be the Gaia or Uranus who tries to be like Venus or Mars. They enjoy working to support their significant others (friends, lovers, parents, etc) but they also focus on their career, to make sure they stay looking dignified.

You are very conscious of appearance, yours and your partners even if they don’t care, but then you enforce your opinion because you are always right. Make people grovel for you, even when they have done nothing wrong, and you were the one who hurt them. You need everyone to be nice to you at all times, because you can’t handle any criticism at all, in the least bit.


Nothing Garbage, Other People Planner. That’s mean and likes to dream and is kind and likes your behind

Focuses on you, nitpicks your shortcomings, tries to change you, tells you they are special, and you lucky to have someone like them take care of your belongings and home and manage your money.

Cluster B Dramatic Personality Disorders (Narcissistic, Histrionic, Covert Narcissistic, and Borderline) fall here. Uneducated people think that a narcissist looks like a Donald Trump type, when in reality, he works too hard to be this (unless he is a Chaos or Eros, but I would type him as Mars), and this energy is the main foundation of the Cluster B’s.

A Chaos or Eros can never become this. Their mantra is focusing on work. A Mars and Venus can become this, because they are often times put on a pedestal and can live there and do nothing, however they don’t like it for long, that’s why they usually live in “Streamlined” Venus and Mars energy, over this.

You know who you are here, if you (must check all boxes):

  1. Know how to lock in docks, and you know when it’s time to change your dock. Without saying anything out loud—you just move.
  2. Are really powerful. The energy of the room shifts when you walk in. People don’t like the shift at first, then fall in love with the shift, and then when you leave they are left missing something that they never knew they needed.
  3. Are the coolest to the people around you and that know you, and no one feels weird or afraid telling you how popular, smart, scary and attractive you are—to them, the opposite sex and to the world. People like to grovel at your feet, and revere you. It makes them feel special to love you.
  4. You look like you shipped your kids off to boarding school for annoying you, when in all actuality, you would put them in the best schools—and very particularly would not have children if you couldn’t afford it. Because you think about these things.
  5. Complain about negative things all the time (because it’s what you need to get off your chest), but never share your “good life” with others verbally, because you are so much more interesting than them, and it makes them feel awkward that they can’t compete with the incredibleness of your day.
  6. Never yell, you only speak harsh truths calmly, unless someone really rattles you. You are an expert in verbal combat.
  7. Know how to impress. You know the rules of popularity and do everything to achieve it, even if it’s at your detriment. I.e. hanging out with mean people, or even hanging out with the wrong crowd because you calculated what was the right crowd to early.
  8. Think things all the way through mentally and actively, before you act on it.
  9. People let you boss them around, because you have great vision, and they trust you.
  10. Can grovel quite easily, because the act of it means nothing to you, and you are never wrong, so who cares if someone proved you wrong—they were wrong.
  11. Get really turned on reading this, because someone finally gets you.


Recycled garbage that’s kind and likes your behind

Doesn’t have much focus, knows what they want when they see it.

Dating apps were made for them, they can see who you are by photo alone, because they are visual unconsciously. Basically, they don’t always know they’re doing this, but they pick the best people—like highest, elitist, smartest, and most attractive. They usually go for Chaos and Eros people, so Chaos and Eros should stay off apps, due to their incompatibilities with them. They can meet people in bars, but then they are capable of choosing someone beneath them–which they don’t like–because body energy sways their sexual impulses, and they can be tricked.  Because of this, talking to someone on chat for a while before an actual date, is best for them.

They aren’t stupid, they are just the least evolved, as in, they are the original guideline of humanity. Most people are one of these, and don’t realize it, because they do look up to the Mars, Venus, Chaos and Eros energy and want to become it. Don’t! “Just be hot” is your mantra.  Sometimes they get into pickles that they can’t get out of, because they are too emotional and mental at the same time—they don’t have a lane to stay in, and be omnipotent in the area of emotion or mind. That’s where “just be hot and we’ll fix it” comes in. They stay stuck, until they can see it written out, I.e. “Doesn’t have much focus, knows what they want when they see it.”

For an example: I worked at a restaurant with my brother, Adam (Uranus), and he would get in the weeds, because he couldn’t figure out how to get out of them—he just shut down.  So me (Chaos) and my coworkers (Mostly Eros) would find the problem, fix it, and then show him what was up with it, and he could recognize it, and not repeat the same mistake. They are the most friendliest and like able in real life, and love to entertain people, so needless to say, even in the weeds, my brother made better tips than I did.

You get bored of other people really fast, and check out of conversations with people who have no idea that you did. Only other Chaos and Eros, or Uranus and Gaia types know that you did—game recognizes game. Mars and Venus can’t tell—and you can’t tell when they do it to you, because of the hidden Mental nature that’s foreign to you. You love the idea of their ability to not give up their secrets, but don’t recognize what they actually mean.

Last thought: Gaia and Uranus are often met with this insult by loved ones when you hurt them directly or indirectly: “You’re just so stupid.” And you’re not or you are, either way, it’s for you to own your mistakes, and look into your brain and see if you really did what they said.


Nothing Garbage, Other People Planner. that’s mean and likes to dream and is kind and likes your behind

Focuses on you, nitpicks your shortcomings, tries to change you, tells you they are special, and you lucky to have someone like them take care of your belongings and home and manage your money. Cluster B Dramatic Personality Disorders (Narcissistic, Histrionic, Covert Narcissistic, and Borderline) fall here. Uneducated people think that a narcissist looks like a Donald Trump type, when in reality, he works too hard to be this (unless he is a Chaos or Eros, but I would type him as Mars), and this energy is the main foundation of the Cluster B’s.

A Chaos or Eros can never become this. Their mantra is focusing on work. A Mars and Venus can become this, because they are often times put on a pedestal and can live there and do nothing, however they don’t like it for long, that’s why they usually live in “Streamlined” Venus and Mars energy, over this.

You know who you are here, if you (must check all boxes):

  1. Are the coolest to the people around you and that know you, and no one feels weird or afraid telling you how popular, smart, scary and attractive you are—to them, the opposite sex and to the world. People like to grovel at your feet, and revere you. It makes them feel special.
  2. Think things all the way through mentally and actively, before you act on it.
  3. Have people who have never done anything with their life ever, question how much of your life you deserve and try to suck you dry of your energy, so you feel depleted every day, but you still show up to work, because it’s in your blood and you have to—to support others who don’t want to take care of themselves, or can’t. i.e. children.
  4. Want to die on the daily, because modern, suburban, authoritarian life is so against you and your energy that dictates how you want to live your life.
  5. Have a successful career that you worked your ass off—against a lot of oppression—to achieve.
  6. Are Libertarian by nature, but also Fascist and Communist af. When you know, you know.
  7. Look nurturing, smart, caring and trusting, and know how to use this to your advantage. You even speak in a good tone that is soothing, until you get mad and people call you grating.
  8. Know how to dress and impress. You know the rules of popularity. Sometimes you actively go against the grain to be less popular, because it’s too much sometimes.
  9. People let you boss them around, because you have great vision, and they trust you.
  10. Can’t grovel because it hurts you deeply to be wrong, so you really have to suck it up when you’re wrong, and bow down.
  11. Get really turned on reading this, because someone finally gets you.
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