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Improve the value of your life by finding your Archetype.

  • Discover your inner nature
  • Unlock your war tactics
  • Learn more about what manipulates you
  • See how they sell to you
  • Know your enemies, friends & lovers
  • Find shared compatibility in others


We all have basic human desires.

We aren’t taught to want or need these desires, we just desire certain things over others–instinctively and primitively–Basically, your heart rate will increase for somethings more than others.

As we are all different, our desires are different. My core desire might be Innovation, while yours might be Freedom or Mastery.

In Compatibility, when we consider that certain behaviors or personalities increase certain desires, we can understand why some personalities appeal to us more than others.

The basic human desires that each match with a specific archetype


This Is Why Archetypes Are So Unbelievably Effective in Describing Your Nature:

Through the use of story, art, religion, myths, Archetypes characterize universal patterns of behavior that we all instinctively understand.

When you dive into these archetypes and the behavior traits of each, you will probably recognize yourself, your family and your friends.

Whether it’s your funny uncle acting like The Jester at your grans birthday or your anti-establishment friend dropping conspiracy theories in the pub as The Outlaw, you will see these archetypal personalities time and again.

Although the behaviors of your uncle and friend are familiar through experience, the behavior or archetypes whom you don’t have experience with will also be recognizable.

Why? Because they are pre-programmed into your subconscious.

Archetypes answer all of life and industry’s biggest questions:

What do you love and why?

Each Archetype needs a different thing to survive, creating a love for it:

  • The Everyman needs to Belong (70%) needs to Master (30%)
  • The Caregiver needs to Serve (70%) needs to be Intimate (30%)
  • The Ruler needs to Control (70%) needs to Pleasured (30%)
  • The Creator needs to Innovate (70%) needs to be Free (30%)
  • The Innocent needs to Be Safe (70%) needs to Liberate (30%)
  • The Sage needs to Know (70%) needs to Have Power (30%)
  • The Explorer needs to Be Free (70%) needs to Innovate (30%)
  • The Outlaw needs to Liberate (70%) needs to Be Safe (30%)
  • The Magician needs to Have Power (70%) needs to Know (30%)
  • The Hero needs to Master (70%) needs to Belong (30%)
  • The Lover needs to Be Intimate (70%) needs to Serve (30%)
  • The Jester needs to Be Pleasured (70%) needs to Control (30%)

What do you dislike, hate, and why?

Each Archetype hates a different thing with a passion:

  • The Everyman hates to Innovate (70%) hates Freedom (30%)
  • The Caregiver hates to be Safe (70%) hates to Liberate (30%)
  • The Ruler hates Knowing (70%) hates Power (30%)
  • The Creator hates Belonging (70%) hates Mastery (30%)
  • The Innocent hates Serving (70%) hates Intimacy (30%)
  • The Sage hates Control (70%) hates to Pleasure (30%)
  • The Explorer hates Mastering (70%) hates Belonging (30%)
  • The Outlaw hates Intimacy (70%) hates to Serving (30%)
  • The Magician hates Pleasuring (70%) hates Controlling (30%)
  • The Hero hates Freedom (70%) hates Innovating (30%)
  • The Lover hates to Liberate (70%) hates Safety   (30%)
  • The Jester hates Power (70%) hates to Knowing (30%)

Where do you bring the most value to your audience ?

Each Archetype brings different values to their audience, which is important when branding yourself:

  • The Everyman brings Belonging (70%) brings Mastery (30%)
  • The Caregiver brings Service (70%)  brings Intimacy (30%)
  • The Ruler brings Control (70%) brings Pleasure (30%)
  • The Creator brings Innovation (70%) brings Freedom (30%)
  • The Innocent brings Safety (70%) brings Liberation (30%)
  • The Sage brings Knowledge (70%) brings Power (30%)
  • The Explorer brings Freedom (70%) brings Innovation (30%)
  • The Outlaw brings Liberation (70%) brings Safety (30%)
  • The Magician brings Power (70%) brings Knowledge (30%)
  • The Hero brings Mastery (70%) brings Belonging (30%)
  • The Lover brings Intimacy (70%) brings Service (30%)
  • The Jester brings Pleasure (70%) brings Control (30%)

What is the one thing you would change about your industry above all else, and why?

Knowing what you halt in others and industry can save a lot of time, and help you value yourself more when others reject you. Each Archetype brings change, or halts in a different way:

  • The Everyman halts Innovation
  • The Caregiver halts Safety
  • The Ruler halts Knowledge
  • The Creator halts Belonging
  • The Innocent halts Service
  • The Sage halts Control
  • The Explorer halts Mastery
  • The Outlaw halts Intimacy
  • The Magician halts Pleasure
  • The Hero halts Freedom
  • The Lover halts Liberation
  • The Jester halts Power

Why is your market a great space to be in?

Each Archetype brings different values to their audience, which is important when understanding why certain individuals want be near you, or in your market:

  • The Everyman brings Belonging
  • The Caregiver brings Service
  • The Ruler brings Control
  • The Creator brings Innovation
  • The Innocent brings Safety
  • The Sage brings Knowledge
  • The Explorer brings Freedom
  • The Outlaw brings Liberation
  • The Magician brings Power
  • The Hero brings Mastery
  • The Lover brings Intimacy
  • The Jester brings Pleasure

What is the purpose of your existence?

Each Archetype has a unique purpose on this planet:

  • The Everyman is meant to Belong
  • The Caregiver is meant to Serve
  • The Ruler is meant to Control
  • The Creator is meant to Innovate
  • The Innocent is meant to Be Safe
  • The Sage is meant to Know
  • The Explorer is meant to Be Free
  • The Outlaw is meant to Liberate
  • The Magician is meant to Have Power
  • The Hero is meant to Master
  • The Lover is meant to Be Intimate
  • The Jester is meant to Be Pleasured

What is important to you in the way you do business?

Each Archetype does Business a different way, which is important when know your coworkers and yourself around those who work with you, or buy from you:

  • The Everyman brings Belonging
  • The Caregiver brings Service
  • The Ruler brings Control
  • The Creator brings Innovation
  • The Innocent brings Safety
  • The Sage brings Knowledge
  • The Explorer brings Freedom
  • The Outlaw brings Liberation
  • The Magician brings Power
  • The Hero brings Mastery
  • The Lover brings Intimacy
  • The Jester brings Pleasure

What does your audience need to be protected against?

Each Archetype brings different values to their audience, and since your audience is already gained, you know what to protect them from:

  • The Everyman protects against Innovation
  • The Caregiver protects against Safety
  • The Ruler protects against Knowledge
  • The Creator protects against Belonging
  • The Innocent protects againstService
  • The Sage protects against Control
  • The Explorer protects against Mastery
  • The Outlaw protects against Intimacy
  • The Magician protects against Pleasure
  • The Hero protects against Freedom
  • The Lover protects against Liberation
  • The Jester protects against Power
Quality Life Assurance

With your archetype in mind, you can answer these questions in the way you and/or your brand view them.

High Performance

When you hear opinions, attitudes, beliefs and aspirations flowing from your archetype description, you see yourself and others differently. You see yourself as a real person with real purpose.

Astrology can pinpoint these Archetypes, Patterns & Behaviors without you lifting a finger

Feminine algorithm for archetypes by Moon Sign and Degree
Masculine algorithm for archetypes by Moon Sign and Degree


Archetype BlogAscension

What Your Archetype Controls

Archetype House Bible Tribe Sign Everyman 1st/12th Simeon Cancer Caregiver 11th/12th Levi Pisces Ruler 10th/11th…

Traits of the Archetypes

Hero, Lover & Jester Everyman, Caregiver & Ruler Run the risk of being hated forever…
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