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There are certain foods we eat that help us control our situations.

I learned this awhile ago, and now after many years, I’ve realized it’s second nature to me–I don’t eat for physical nourishment, I eat for spiritual and energetic purposes.  OF COURSE I NEED TO EAT. But the food I choose to put in my body is for reasons beyond me.

A few years ago, my best friend started to get really toxic with me, and every time I was around her I had to throw-up. I had no idea consciously what was going on, because it was such a slow burn–I didn’t realize the toxicity was because she no longer valued me, and actively talked against me, behind me. So I was unaware, but still sick and afraid of her, and couldn’t figure out my anxieties.

In October of that year, my daughter and son had just completed a Halloween run, and I had lollipops everywhere–and I CRAVED them. So I started sucking on them, and coincidentally my sickness and anxiety went away. So, when my ex-best friend came over, or called on the phone, I reached for them, and I could talk to her normally. I was no longer sick or afraid. This had me realizing and asking all the questions about sugar and it’s fundamental value to humanity.

Sugar is needed in this world to help prevent the intake of another person’s bad energy.

Have you ever met a fat girl? Like a sweet, but fat girl that can’t lose weight, and can’t figure it out? Look at her fucking family. Her family abuses her chemically and physically and quite possibly sexually. So she reaches for sweets. It’s nurture by nature.

Sugar was designed to help our serotonin levels, and by which means, it is a POWERFUL drug to have on hand when you are surrounded by narcissistic vampires. Admitting this to yourself, helps you both cut out the sweet intake and utilize it when you need it.

The easiest way to intake this drug, without altering your chemical makeup with pharmaceuticals (which have much more toxic shit added), is to suck on a lollipop. The sugar goes straight in, and you feel alive again.

So the Lollipop Rule is as follows:

Lollipop, Lollipop
Don’t let them come in
Lollipop, Lollipop
Don’t let them sin

Test it out and let me know what you think.