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I don’t think women need to be empowered. To suggest that means that women are somehow so weak that anyone can just give us like a march, a day, or a trophy, or a pay wage increase and somehow a woman is empowered. No. For thousands of years, before we got cluttered with this word power, women were known to be of the earth. To be as beautiful and as connected to nature as the mother herself. To be desired by men and women alike.

You see, women are responders like the earth. When something is good they flower, they smell sweet, their hair shines, they glow and thy take care of themselves! But when something is wrong, their body tells you. They stomp around like an earthquake, destroy life like a tornado, and flood with the tears of their shame and sadness like a hurricane. The earth and women, are telling us the same thing right now. They don’t need to be empowered. They need to be loved. Pursued. Listened to. When was the last time a man mined for gold in his woman’s heart? She is a treasure, and she is dying because no one is loving her. They are using her for sex. There is no rape culture IMHO. There are only women trying to tell men to stop trying to fuck her without first working to possess her heart. Romance isn’t dead. Love, the only power in the universe has died and it’s been replaced with feminist empowerment and shallow romance.

D.C. Has been about love and family. Marvel is about huge egos in one room and being self righteous and not trusting the little people. I think people are catching on to the fact that you can’t save humanity if you don’t respect it.

Men are, by nature, lovers, as they represent the sun/Sky.

Women are nurturers, as they are the moon/earth.

Another word for love is desire, and desire brings forth creation. Men are creators and women can not create without them. Both on physical plain and a mental plain.

Another word for nurture is encouragement and to encourage ones gifts, women curate the best or worst of those around them. They protect or destroy reputations, as curation is all about choosing the best traits to put on display for all the world. Men cannot nurture a satisfying reputation without the encouragement of a woman.

For a long time now we have been raised by women, and men have sort of escaped, either mentally or physically. Drowning out the noise due to depression and sleep deprivation and monotonous careers. Most every living soul at this moment is struggling with love, and therefore finding it difficult to create, so we do something else. We encourage ourselves by cultivating a satisfying public image.

We live in a world where no one is creating, they are curating. They are putting forth only their best efforts on a public stage, and leaving their creation and ideas to die. People are shallow. They have no love. And love is the only power in the Universe.

We do not live in a patriarchy. We live in a matriarchy.