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The 11th House in Astrology:

The 11th house represents your abilities to network and grow your life out into the universe. This is also why it’s known as the house of dreams. When the universe is aware of a presence it does its best to help you, and the sign and planets are what the universe will use. You can disregard these and try to go about it the way you see others “expand their brand” and “get support” but only if you do what’s natural will you actually succeed. So if you can’t trust your instincts yet, you can at least know what you got going on in there.

The 11th house rules your friends, groups, charity (in a more distant way), and hopes and dreams (for the future). This house is opposite the 5th house and therefore on an axis with it, and both house are social houses. The 11th house is ruled by Aquarius and Uranus, and is a succedent house.

The Signs in the 11th House:

11th House in Aries
You’re a sociable person and enjoy spending time in groups and with your friends. You make friends quickly, but the bonds may not be very strong. You’re driven to achieve your dreams, and you have the energy needed to attain them.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You are impulsive, and can’t control your urges to satisfy your spontaneous needs, no one can handle you.

11th House in Taurus
You probably don’t have a lot of friends, but you’re close to the ones you do have, and will keep them in your life for a long time. You take your time trying to achieve your dreams, and your dreams are likely about increasing your sense of security in life.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You are gluttonous, lazy, unstable and superficial.

11th House in Gemini
You have a lot of friends, though they may be mostly casual, and need the social interaction for mental stimulation. When it comes to your dreams, you may have two specifically that you want, or go from one dream to the next quickly.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re a nutcase and no one wants to hear you talk and talk about nothing and everything.

11th House in Cancer
You prefer having your friends over to your house, and love a small dinner party. You have a small group of close friends that are like family to you. Your dreams may include doing something to help people who are in need.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re incredibly moody and untrustworthy, your feelings are too much for people.

11th House in Leo
You like to be the leader of the group, and shine with your friends. You have many casual acquaintances, but also a close group of friends that you’re loyal to. You dream of having status and being admired publicly.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re full of yourself and need constant attention, you’re too much for everyone and annoying.

11th House in Virgo
You don’t make too many close friends, but are loyal to the ones you have and willing to help them with whatever they need. You tend to be practical with your dreams, and try to figure out how you can realistically make things happen.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re boring and everyone is judgmental of you, they want you to achieve something you can never reach.

11th House in Libra
You’re the one who helps everyone to get along with your friends, who organizes truces and plays the mediator. You have many friends, and you try to give them equal time. You can even marry a friend. You can vacillate with your dreams, unsure of what you want.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re unbalanced and unattractive to the opposite sex, you’ll be alone forever because no one could ever love you.

11th House in Scorpio
You’re attracted to friends that are powerful and that share the same view of the world you have. You’re picky about who you become friends with, but loyal. You can become obsessed with your dreams, and work hard to make them happen.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re too much for people, they don’t like you, if you pull someone close, they will run away.

11th House in Sagittarius
You have plenty of friends from all walks of life, but most of them are casual relationships. You want to be around people who you can have raucous debates with. You have big dreams, and no matter how big they are, they can fall into place easily for you.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You are not in touch with reality, your dreams are stupid, and you’ll never amount to anything.

11th House in Capricorn
You don’t have many friends, but are close to the ones you do have. You may sacrifice friendships until you feel you’ve attained the goals you want in life. You work hard toward your dreams, trying to make them a reality, and don’t need anyone’s help.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You are hated by everyone and they want to destroy you, or take what you have as their own.

11th House in Aquarius
You want to be around people who are interesting, innovative, and original. You thrive in a group setting, and can be a bit of a rebel. Your dreams tend to be unusual in some way, and you can take unusual steps to achieve them.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You’re untouchable, and weird, no one likes you or wants to get close to you.

11th House in Pisces
You’ll do anything for your friends, but need to make sure that you see them for who they really are, and accept them as such. You’re very charitable, and will give far more than you have. Your dreams tend to involve helping others, or are wildly fantastical.

The negative aspect of you that you cannot change, nor care to: You are delusional, no one gets you, you’re all over the place and freak out over nothing.

This has been Written and Reserved by Alyssa Sharpe, not to be used without permission.

The Planets in the 11th House:

Sun in the 11th house
With your natal Sun in the 11th house, you’re more tolerant than most people, and don’t look down on anyone. You believe everyone is equal to you, no matter who they are. You try not to judge people, and are attracted to people who are different, original, and unconventional.

Your social circle is diverse, and you’ll befriend people from all walks of life. People see how open you are, and that attracts them to you, but you can have trouble opening up your true self to others.

You may choose friends over a lover, valuing your friendships, and work well in a group. You’re always looking towards the future, and you have great dreams and hopes for how you want not only your future to be, but also the future of the world.

Moon in the 11th House
It’s likely you are someone who always has a cause, and can be a fervent supporter of something. Once you become emotionally invested in a cause, there’s no backing down.

You’ll be a heartfelt devotee til the end. Some may not stick with one thing though, bouncing around from one to the next. You care a great deal about others though, and want to help when you can.

Your friends are very important as well, and they can almost be like family (especially for those with harsh family ties). They give you a lot of support, and you give plenty in return.

You may be friends with many different types of people, loving diversity and eccentricity. If your friendships are on the rocks, then it’s likely due to an internal emotional problem you’re having.

How you view the future and what your dreams are can be tied to your emotions, and may fluctuate with your feelings. You only want the best for everybody, but you may not be set on anything very long, and at times this may make some of you seem superficial, because you just go with what’s the fad.

Mercury in the 11th House
With your natal Mercury in the 11th house, you’re attracted to innovative, original ideas and thinkers. You want people in your life who challenge conventional thinking and force you to think outside of your own box.

You respect people who seem intellectually advanced. You’re always looking towards the future and making plans for your future dreams, though your dreams may change frequently.

You could have two separate, distinct dreams for your future. Friendships tend to be more casual and superficial, and you like people who are chatty, though they may not be very loyal. You can be idealistic, and want people to treat each other well.

Venus in the 11th House
With your natal Venus in your 11th house, you like to be friends with someone first before getting involved with them romantically.

You can stay friends with them after you break up, and it’s important for you to have an intellectual connection with someone.

You want someone who’s an individual, who’s original, and who’s unusual. Quirky types are right up your alley.

You value your friends and are highly sociable. You may belong to many groups because you like the feeling of belonging. You may be a humanitarian, and like doing work that helps people or the planet.

Mars in the 11th House
With your natal Mars in your 11th house, you work well with others, and this can help you to get what you want. You may need others to help you achieve your goals.

You’re focused on the future, and have the energy to go for your dreams. You have a large social circle, many casual acquaintances, but perhaps not many really close friends.

You can be idealistic at times, and want to do what you can to make the world a better place. There’s a humanitarian in you, and at some point, you can become passionately involved in a cause.

Jupiter in the 11th House
With your natal Jupiter in your 11th house, you love being in groups and spending time with your friends. You may belong to many groups, always socializing and meeting new people.

You’re open to people from all walks of life, and this tolerant attitude draws people to you. The friends you have or groups you belong to could help bring you success in life.

You want to help people as a whole, doing your part to contribute to society, and may be involved in a humanitarian effort or charitable cause. You want everyone to have the chance to live their life as they wish.

Saturn in the 11th House
With your natal Saturn in your 11th house, you may be a loner to a degree. Making friends is difficult for you, and you can feel uncomfortable in social situations.

You can’t stand superficial connections, so any friendships that you do have, you take quite seriously, and you keep them for life. They need to be stable, reliable people.

You value who you are as an individual, and you don’t want to blend in and be like everyone else, but it can cause you to reject everyone else to try and make yourself seem more special. Insecurity is the root of the problem.

The 11th house also rules your dreams, and Saturn here can delay you getting your dreams until later in life, or cause you to not commit yourself to any dream. Release the fear that holds you back.

Uranus in the 11th House
With your natal Uranus in your 11th house, you’re too freedom-loving to tie yourself to friends too much. You may have many casual friends, but aren’t close with any of them.

The people that you like most are ones who are innovative, original, and their own person. You can dazzle a crowd, but have issues actually connecting with people on an emotional level, and look down on people who aren’t as open to new ideas as you are.

When you’re around people who share your beliefs and who want to work with you towards a shared goal, you can flourish, as long as they don’t stifle you too much.

Neptune in the 11th House
With your natal Neptune in your 11th house, you’re open to having all sorts of friends, but this can lead you to be taken advantage of by people who you think are your friends but are just using you.

A real friend won’t try to get that much from you. Set boundaries and make sure they have good intentions before you give so much away. When it comes to your hopes and dreams of the future, you can have a hard time seeing your goals clearly, or feel that once you attain what you thought you wanted, it isn’t what you want anymore.

You can be a great humanitarian, extremely compassionate and thoughtful, and see the world with hopeful eyes.

Pluto in the 11th House
With your natal Pluto in your 11th house, you may try to control your friends or vice versa, or belong to groups where you’re the master and everyone follows your lead. You can captivate large groups of people.

You can be obsessed with your future dreams, and can be a great humanitarian. You can inspire people to be better and make a difference in the world, but you need to make sure you have strong beliefs, and don’t just go with other people’s.


This has been Written and Reserved by Alyssa Sharpe, not to be used without permission.