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If You Were Born on the 1st

If you were born on the 1st of any month, your day of birth is ruled by the Sun! The Sun gives you a creative mind and an independent streak. Although you like the company of other people, you prefer working alone. If you don’t have the option to work alone, you would rather be in a position of leadership. This is because you are a perfectionist, and can execute plans well as long as no one stands in your way. You have a razor sharp mind and business instincts that can’t be taught at school.

Sometimes you are so strong-willed that it comes off as stubborn. You often have ideas in your mind as to how things should play out, and it is hard for you to detach from them. When things don’t go your way, you get frustrated, though your strong will shines through eventually. You have the mentality of a winner.

In love, you are very demonstrative with your affection, and you expect the same from your significant other. Until you lose interest, you are also demonstrative and determined when pursuing a potential relationship. When you do settle with someone, you are encouraging and inspirational. You help your loved ones reach their potential and achieve their goals. Even if you don’t say it outright, you like being the leader in your friendships and love relationships. As long as you pair up with someone who doesn’t mind following your lead, ego clashes won’t arise very often.

If You Were Born on the 2nd

If you were born on the 2nd of any month, your day of birth is ruled by the Moon, which bestows you with intuition and sensitivity. By nature, you are very emotionally supportive of the ones you love – sometimes to the point where their goals overshadow yours. However, if your name starts with a 1-letter (A, J or S), your ambition and leadership skills come out of hiding eventually. Creativity and innovation are two of your best attributes, and should be directly applied to your career (or hobbies) if you choose to have one. The reason I say “IF” is because you would make an excellent stay-at-home. The Moon’s influence connects you with your family on a very high spiritual level. Superior nurturing skills come naturally to you.

Emotionally, you are sensitive and vulnerable. Your dreams and visions may be far-fetched, so it is good to be with someone who will ground you when necessary. Because you are vulnerable, you treat others as if they were the same. Surround yourself with people who are naturally sensitive to other peoples’ feelings. You forgive when you know others’ intentions are good, and you don’t forgive where it isn’t deserved.

The best relationships for you establish a strong spiritual connection before all others flourish, which means your partner must have a higher vibration. Although you communicate with loved ones on a spiritual level, your need for verbal communication is equally important. The perfect partner for you is someone who inspires you to use logic alongside your intuition. This person will have the mental capacity to brainstorm your ideas with you, and help you bring them to life.

If You Were Born on the 3rd

If you were born on the 3rd of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Jupiter, which graces you with an overall positive demeanor. Your energy is vibrant, pleasant and your reflexes are quick. As an employee and employer, you are disciplined although you may not believe in the rules you follow. You are well-liked in the workplace because you can chat up just about anyone. You have an abundant amount of energy, and your stamina can outlast many others.

You are charismatic and charming. You have the kind of face that people rarely forget, and you put on a great first impression. You are sociable and agreeable. You would do well at a job that requires you to meet new people constantly. Sometimes you get stuck on worrying about trivial matters. Try to look at the big picture instead – it would help you reach your goals a hell of a lot faster. You also have a one-track mind when it comes to your goals. Watch out for tendencies to make decisions in your life without consideration for other people.

In love, your significant other should never ask you to change – you will only do so if it is self-inspired. The perfect partner for you will be even keeled and flexible. You prefer to be with a person who is less demanding and able to give you a good amount of space to let you fulfill your personal agendas. Do your best to be patient of others. Not everyone will react to situations as quickly as you do.

If You Were Born on the 4th

If you were born on the 4th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Uranus! Uranus influences you with an unpredictable behavior when pressured with too much at once. You are patient, tenacious and stubborn about your own beliefs. You are organized, and you take a slow and steady approach to success. Your logic and decisions are made rationally. You also like to stick to methods that are tried and true, which closes you off to new solutions. This is because you don’t like to waste time on things that may or may not end up being a waste of your time.

Being gifted with an intellectual and observant mind, you can see all sides of a situation – playing devil’s advocate is one of your favorite pastimes. You are not an emotional person, which often makes you a rock for those who are. Your approach towards people is direct, and you may come off as rough around the edges.

Love relationships are taken seriously – you don’t look to fuck around much. You are someone who knows what you want in love, and won’t settle for less. Your sexual appeal is straightforward – very much like you. Even if you haven’t been through much, you are instilled with wisdom from an early age. Because you are a natural guide, you share this wisdom with the ones you love. Your love is compassionate, resilient, and you make a wonderful long-term addition to anyones’ lives.

If You Were Born on the 5th

If your birthday falls on the 5th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Mercury! Mercury influences your natural information-gathering abilities, as well as your unique eloquence. Your lifestyle is unconventional and changes more than most. You live for change, as it keeps life exciting. You need freedom to think and do whatever you want, whenever you want. If you don’t have this freedom, you may cause chaos out of boredom. Reckless impulsion is something to watch out for, as you can take opportunities for granted. You have a unique talent for interrupting your previous course in life in order to do something totally different.

Your mind is flexible, and you are open and tolerant to different opinions. In fact, your curiosity makes you want to exchange information and ideas with other people. Your curiosity also often leads you to experience adventure in unfamiliar territory. Rigid people may be taken aback by your presence, and non-rigid people may find you refreshing and stimulating. You have a love of reading, whether it is the newspaper, blogs, social media or books.

In relationships, verbal communication is very important for you. Some 5-day natives spend much of their relationships not realizing that physical affection is as important as spoken affection. Your life is always on the move, so if you choose to be in a relationship, it should be with someone who is willing to keep up with you. You should also choose someone who is not very emotional, since you don’t deal well with emotional situations.

If You Were Born on the 6th

If you were born on the 6th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Venus! Venus graces you with harmony and an ability to find love and beauty in most things. 6 Day natives are often known for their impressive balancing acts. You strive to live a harmonious life by balancing great care for your physical appearance, love, a successful career and an active social life. Your general disposition is happy, although you harbor great sadness inside. You take great effort to mask your feelings because appearance is very important to you.

Because of your harmonious nature, you are a mediator between friends and family members. You are a shoulder to cry on – if you haven’t explored your other healing abilities, just know that it is definitely an option for you. You are also very trustworthy. One weakness of yours is your ability to give too much of yourself so much that you are often taken advantage of.

Your main focus in life is acquiring and keeping all types of relationships! In love, you need to find someone who loves and understands who you are inside and out. Though you don’t always stay close to home, you will always feel very connected to your family and friends, and will be there in times of need. Other people find you to be charismatic, charming and sexy – take care to make sure that your friends have self-confidence, as these traits may cause jealousy. You are also very magnetic – luck and misfortune follow you depending on your state of mind! You probably have some interesting stories about how luck has graced your life. You will have struggles like everyone else – a lot of them revolving around money – but the universe will make sure you don’t fall too far.

If You Were Born on the 7th

If your date of birth is on the 7th of any month, your birthday is ruled by Neptune, which gives you a boost of spiritual enlightenment, higher thinking and the lust for knowledge as well as the mental capacity to keep you wanting to learn more (and more, and more).

Your independence and perfectionism makes you a great worker as long as you can be your own boss, or if you get to boss other people around. You have incredible foresight, while others are stuck in the present. Not everyone understands your quick-wittedness, your dry humor and mood swings.

In love, you are a romantic, and take your Neptune-induced dreams with you in your relationships. These dreams combined with your perfectionism (should) make you more inclined to be a leader in activities that you and your partner partake in. Part of your wisdom comes from your natural healing abilities and understanding of others.

If You Were Born on the 8th

If you were born on the 8th, your day of birth is ruled by Saturn, which gives you a significant amount of influence in the world. Your personal limitations and freedoms run either really high or really low- you have the power to control these! Saturn also makes sure that justice follows you. Since it is a Karmic planet, Saturn makes sure that you reap what you sow! Because of this, it is important to have good intentions. You are also the type of person that will find little ways to get justice, should anyone do wrong by you.
In your personal dealings, it takes time for you to warm up to people. Once people get to know you, you are warm-hearted and kind. You are family-oriented. You don’t often stray far from your family, but when you do, you find your way back. You are responsible with money especially when other people are counting on your earnings.

You make a great leader and boss because of your determination and decision-making skills in the workplace. When you do become a leader, make sure you watch out for that superiority complex of yours! You can be a workaholic, but not a mindless one- you overwork yourself for a higher cause or because of your ambition.

Your goal in life is to master and balance all planes of being. If you aren’t already, get in touch with your spiritual side. When this happens, you will be abundantly successful. Furthermore, your presence is meant to help humanity, and you are meant to give back to the world once your wisdom has been developed.

In relationships, you are loyal and you are the type who will try to do everything for the one you love. You need someone who will admire you for all your achievements, and someone who will understand the intensity you put into all your endeavors.

If You Were Born on the 9th

If you were born on the 9th, your day of birth is ruled by Mars, which gives you the virtues of bravery and courage. Mars’ influence gives you the courage to make decisions and take risks quicker than others who might deliberate on these things for a while. You are self-confident with a strong presence and intense energy. Your presence can be quite intimidating to those of the same gender, especially when they are getting to know you.

Mars also gives you restless determination in certain aspects of your life. You will always have a goal to attain, and you will be disciplined about it. Your intellect and cool exterior makes you adept at handling obstacles that come your way. You have an independent streak that is supported well by your ability to self-discipline and self-assert. Your goal in life is to be your own boss, though you make an excellent leader. Your high demands for yourself are also applicable to your expectations of other people.

Even if you are an Earth, Air or Water sign, you are described as “fiery.” Your temper, once ignited, is fierce. You have a sharp tongue, and your arguments are logical. Physical exertion is your best friend when you need to work off some of that steam.
In love relationships, you are not as much of a leader. You like to be seduced, and you prefer to be with someone that can keep you in check. Your lustful desires may take a while to surface in a relationship. When you love someone platonically or romantically, you happily sacrifice for that person. You are also very compassionate, and can satisfy your soul with charity work.

If You Were Born on the 10th

If you were born on the 10th of the month, your day of birth is ruled by the Sun! The Sun gives you the drive to succeed, with good business instincts and a sharp mind to help you get there. You have a creative and imaginative mind that will help you find answers outside of the box. Routine activities annoy you. Your life is truly a balancing act, since you try to live a full life.

The Sun’s energy also makes you self-reliant, and you want others to rely on you as well. You are generally happy and optimistic. You are a loyal friend, but you are also competitive with your friends. You set high standards for yourself, and therefore, for other people.  Your best love partner would be someone who will help you build your patience, and depend on you emotionally and/or financially.

Another thing to watch out for is your stress levels! You have high ambitions, and you often take on more than you can handle! Make sure you take ample amounts of vacation time and unplug often. Being stubborn and critical of others are weaknesses to work on. Generally, once you set your mind to something, it is hard for others to convince you otherwise.

If You Were Born on the 11th

If you were born on the 11th day of the month, your birthday is ruled by the Moon! The Moon lends its intuition, sensitivity and idealistic visions to your persona. In numerology, 11 is one of three Master Numbers (the others being 22 and 33), which means very profound things for you! 11th day babies find themselves just “knowing” about people and situations, without being able to logically explain why. This also means that you should trust yourself. If your gut tells you something is right or wrong, don’t question it.

The key to success for you is to make sure that you keep focused on a specific goal – otherwise, you may find yourself feeling scatterbrained and anxious. When you do find yourself working towards that goal, you are completely devoted. Another piece of advice for you is: Don’t think big- at least not for now. Keep your goals manageable by taking baby steps.

Your ideal job is not in the business world. You can easily be a teacher or advisor- any job in which you help others is ideal for you. You want to make the world a better place, and with your charisma and higher vibration, you can totally do it. Your personality is magnetic. You have a very creative mind that moves quickly. Talking to you helps others find inner peace.
In love relationships, you are honest and loyal. You need a partner who will keep you positive, as your self-esteem can waiver when things aren’t going your way. Although you may not be a spiritual person, you require that your partner is spiritually connected to you.

If You Were Born on the 12th

When your birthday falls on the 12th day of the month, it is ruled by Jupiter! With Jupiter’s influence, you are quick-witted and enthusiastic. Your sense of humor often puts you in the center of attention. Your artistic flair is a dominant trait, and you bring it into all aspects of your life somehow. You are a progressive thinker who has a rare ability to think about situations from every perspective. You also have the ability to make something out of nothing.

When it comes to work, you are easily bored and need to be in a profession that constantly challenges you. In your personal life, you can make the best pf every situation. You are fascinated by people, and love to study human behavior.
Word to the wise: setbacks are a part of life! Don’t give up when you see obstacles come your way.

Amongst others, you have a competitive spirit. You often have a “grass is greener” mentality when you see what others have. On the upside, you are a great communicator, and bring sincerity and honesty to the table. You are a sensitive soul with a certain softness in your interaction with others. Much like the 11 babies, you also need a spiritual connection with a romantic partner.

If You Were Born on the 13th

If you were born on the 13th of any month, your birthday is ruled by Uranus! For you, Uranus lends its unique characteristics, adaptability to new situations, and its independent streak. Your knowledge spans across a lot of subjects, whether it is about sports, art or politics. Chances are, you are considered a genius. Despite your mental capacity, you often lack confidence in the workplace. You are the kind of person that is good at anything you put your mind to. However, you are set in your ways, and would rather stick to methods that are tried and true.

You are gutsy with your actions and your words – and your words can be very harsh, so think before you speak! Ironically, it doesn’t take much to offend you if you’re interacting with someone you don’t know well. You also tend to be very detail oriented, which is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, you tend to be a worry wart.

In friendship and love, you will need to surround yourself with positive people, as it is easy for you to fixate on the negative sides of situations. You will also need to find people that will uplift you. Granted, this is the case for everyone. However, you especially need this because you may find it hard to build upon your positive characteristics. You often feel as if your negative characteristics hinder your abilities, and to other people, it sounds like you are making excuses (because they are). When you do find and build upon your potential, your hindrances are minimal!

If You Were Born on the 14th

When your birthday falls on the 14th of the month, your day of birth is ruled by Mercury! Mercury bestows you with a restless mind, and a fondness of taking trips (short trips at the very least). You are enjoy getting up and going across town, or driving to see friends and family. Your mind is full of original and creative ideas. If your current profession is not artistic, you probably have an artistic hobby that helps appease you.

Your creative mind carries into the business world as well. You come up original business ideas that can very well succeed. You like working with change – in fact, a job that provides unpredictability is stimulating for you.

Your moods are very influential on others, so check your mood swings! Focus on positive thoughts, instead of negative – your negative thoughts overwhelm you, and affect those around you. When you master the ability to stay positive, you can manifest the life you want.

If You Were Born on the 15th

If you were born on the 15th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Venus! Venus gives you the gift of romanticism natural charm and magnetism to the opposite sex (or the same sex, depending on your preference). You are also given the ability to love anyone. Your circle of friends has people of different ages and backgrounds, though you prefer to associate yourself with cheerful and positive people. It is safe to say that “birds of a feather flock together” does not apply to your life.

Your 5 senses can go either way: either you are very open-minded or sensitive. When your senses are sensitive, this may mean you are very particular about the food you eat, or sensitive to sights, smells, textures or sounds.

You are stubborn and persistent. In work, you finish projects easier than most. Your excellent money-making abilities are driven by the desire to live a full life. You are considered unique compared to most, and have probably been called “spunky.” You have a cool way of being rebellious, yet accepted by society.

If You Were Born on the 16th

If you were born on the 16th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Neptune! Neptune gives you a cool open-mindedness and a natural ability to nurture the ones you care for. You have a knack for researching information, and successfully breaking it down. Conversely, you are also great at painting big pictures with little details that you are given. Your brain processes and analyzes quicker than most. Your natural abilities to research and investigate would make you a fine detective.

As a friend, spouse and relative, you are quick to be of service to others. You are a great listener and spirit-lifter. When you admire someone, you show it, which I personally think is adorable!! Although many of you 16 babies may be left-brained by nature, you instinctively know that there should be more attention paid to unproven realms. You are interested in ideas or theories that cannot be or have not been proven, such as spirituality or conspiracy theories. Because you keep your mind open, nothing shocks you.

In love, you have the capacity to love deeply. However, you need someone that understands your independence and your need for alone time. Too much alone time is unhealthy for you, though, since your mind wanders out of reality when that happens.

If You Were Born on the 17th

If you were born on the 31st of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Uranus. Uranus gives you the gifts of creative expression and unpredictability. You have the element of surprise attached to you. Just when people think they know you, you surprise them by doing something completely unexpected. You also have a multi-faceted personality – you tend to have friends in many different circles, and different mutual interests associated with each of them. So, when you let someone into your life, it is very likely that this person will be surprised about some of the things you do for fun.

Your individual creativity comes in the form of a unique stamp on everything you care about – this can span over your choice of clothes, the way you style your hair, the ideas you have to make your job more interesting, etc. You are great at planning and executing big projects. You are an innovator, and have the ability to make huge changes wherever you end up working.

The right partner for you would be someone who will constantly feed you with positivity. You tend to let pessimism simmer under your happy exterior. You will also need someone with a very healthy sexual appetite, and an open-mindedness in the bedroom (or wherever you feel like doing it at the time).

If You Were Born on the 18th

If you were born on the 18th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Mars, which gives you high ambitions and great leadership skills. You are a broad-minded person who sees beauty in most things and people – this makes you appreciate even the little things in life! People from all walks of life tend to gravitate towards you because you have the ability to make just about anyone smile. Your positive attitude makes people want to be around you.

There are a few things in this world that speak to your soul: creative endeavors, traveling, and making the world a better place. You are mentally sharp and a quick learner. However, you most likely shine brightest in your professional life when you are are able to express yourself creatively. Your creativity conjoined with your innate business sense makes it easy for your superiors to trust you. In your travels, you absorb every amazing moment, and are able to relive your experiences as if it was just yesterday. Your need for a diverse circle of acquaintances and experiences is very strong, so save money and make time for travel! As for how you make the world a better place – this may even be on a small scale, such as making someone’s day better when he/she is feeling blue.

Aside from your positivity and general goodwill, you can be brash during disagreements. Your friends and family will overlook or accept this (because the rest of you is awesome :P), however, those not so close to you may find it hard to deal with this side of you. Your sexuality is understated on the outside, but those who know you on a deeper level eventually find out how powerful your sexuality is.

If You Were Born on the 19th

If you were born on the 19th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by the Sun, which gives you a strong presence, and the desire to be self-sufficient, independent and respected. You are fascinating to others because of your ability to quickly and successfully turn your life around. As with most people, you may develop bad habits, or allow yourself to be stagnant for a while. However, once you realize you need to change yourself or your environment, you snap out of it at an impressive speed!

You have a stubborn streak, which often works out in your favor. You will do whatever you believe right, despite what others may think. Your independent thinking is admirable – however, the more you open up to ideas and perspectives other than your own, the easier life will become for you. You are also multi-talented, and enthusiastic to be great at your chosen profession and hobbies.

Inside, you have emotional swings that you keep hidden from the public. Because you are able to keep your act together, you find it hard to understand when others allow setbacks in their lives. You have a certain charm and magnetism about you that is intriguing. You are romantically and sexually complex, and it is difficult to find someone who really wows you.

If You Were Born on the 20th

If you were born on the 20th of any month, you are ruled by the Moon! The Moon offers you its intuition, susceptibility to your surroundings, and emotional need for affection. Your intuition is geared toward motives and behind-the-scenes action. When people say or do something, you instinctively know why. When something happens, you instinctively know the cause-and-effect of it. Because of your inner knowing, life is less stressful when you are able to tune out and center yourself. Many Day 20-born people exercise or play music to achieve this.

In work and personal life, you are great at completing tasks. Because of this, you work best with people who are better at initiating tasks and projects. You also serve as a great motivator, and can easily boost peoples’ self-esteem. Your need for harmony keeps you from rocking the boat with people, which makes it easy for you to get along with.

In relationships, you cannot commit without a spiritual connection. This, paired with your need for physical satisfaction, can cause a lot of confusion for you. When relationships aren’t a priority for you, you are easily distracted by beauty. Although you easily inspire others, it is hard for you to inspire yourself. In fact, you can get lost in pessimistic thoughts if you don’t have someone to cheer you up. The best partner for you is someone who is patient, optimistic, supportive and logical.

If You Were Born on the 21th

If you were born on the 21st day of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Jupiter! Jupiter bestows its optimism and lust for new experiences upon you. If I had to use one word to describe you, it would be “Fascinating!” You have gone through some very profound transformations in your life, which is how you have become the relatively sane and normal person you are now. Granted, many people can say this about themselves. However, your transformations tend to be on the more drastic side, as if you were reincarnated in the same life somehow. This isn’t to say you are no longer the same person after these transformations – through new experiences, you learn which facets of yourself are beneficial, and which should be left alone.

You take life as it comes to you, and this is driven by the instinct that everything happens for a reason. However, you are practical and have good instincts. Whatever paths you have taken, they generally lead to a conventional need to build a stable home for yourself. Your mind is very curious. You find yourself wanting to learn more about subjects like philosophy and history. Your problem-solving abilities are rarely matched.

Among acquaintances, you are generally an optimistic person, and making people smile is effortless for you. Although you have firm opinions, you respect that others have their own views. In relationships, it is best to find someone that will enjoy and play along with your romantic gestures. Your significant other is an outlet for everything in your head that isn’t sunshine and rainbows. You are supportive, and you are best with someone who is equally supportive and won’t shy away from you when you are feeling down.

If You Were Born on the 22nd

If you were born on the 22nd of any month, your day of birth is ruled by the Moon as well as Uranus! The Moon gives you intuition, and Uranus gives you originality – the combination of the two gives you an urge to benefit mankind somehow. 22 is the “Master Builder” number, which causes you to want to build BIG things with your grand ideas. You are also very creative, and have great potential to invent new creations, or reinvent old ones. Starting off big may work for some, but don’t get disappointed or feel inadequate if that doesn’t work out for you! When you do bring your brilliant ideas into the world, you must keep in mind that small steps are sometimes necessary before you get to where you are headed. Don’t be scared of being defeated – you can always pick right back up.

You are a charming and magnetic person, who can will so much success into your life as long as you believe in yourself. You also have many friends and admirers who would be willing to support you. You are a loyal friend and relative. Your apparent, yet calm confidence, and pleasant demeanor makes people happy to be around you. Your money management skills makes you a reliable and excellent provider.

In relationships, love will make you stay through the darnedest things. You are sensitive, and easily get turned off by rude or mean comments. The right person for you is someone who is understanding of your sensitivity to your environment, which must be balanced. Your partner should emotionally stable, pleasant and encouraging. Without these traits in a partner, the relationship will make you unstable.

If You Were Born on the 23rd

If your birthday falls on the 23rd of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Mercury! Mercury gives you a sharp mind and communication skills. You have an independent spirit who keeps your mind open to possibilities. You have a unique way of expressing yourself that leaves an imprint on other people – this is attributed to your imagination. You paint colorful pictures in your head, and are able to clearly convey them in a way that captures peoples’ attention.

You have a lust for life that makes you quick to get up and embark on your next journey, while others wonder how to catch up to you. You are multi-talented and ambitious, and you make hard work look effortless. You work well with others. You also have a sneaky way of getting out of responsibilities by being social with your superiors. This is easy for you, as you tend to be socially popular in the workplace.
You have a tendency to be nervous, or you buzz with nervous energy. Temptation seems to follow you, and your vices appease your need to stimulate your senses.

You are very affectionate toward the people you love. You would make a good marriage partner, as long as your spouse is secure enough to let you roam free. You secretly crave a relationship that exercises unconditional love on both ends. You also need a partner who will concede to the fact that you are always right

If You Were Born on the 24th

If you were born on the 24th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Venus, which gives you love for the arts and social grace. You are a diplomatic person who keeps your opinion to yourself when others around you are at odds. You are a loyal and trustworthy friend who does not intentionally hurt anyone. You avoid acting rudely towards anyone even if they deserve it. Because of this, you should have friends and a significant other who will stick up for you. You are charming and have a softness about you that makes you agreeable.

Although you may have an academic background, you continue to diligently acquire knowledge through life experiences and other people. You are naturally book-smart and good grades come to you easily as long as you care about your grades. You are great at applying your knowledge to work. Your self-confidence wavers when you don’t live up to your own expectations. Because of this, you tend to play it safe when it comes to your career – keep in mind that just because you aren’t good at something now, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn to be.

Until you build your self-confidence, you are shy around people you find attractive. You have a tendency to idealize the people you fall for. The perfect partner for you is someone who is comfortable taking the reins in your relationship. The ideal partner will also help ground you, and encourage you to be more of a go-getter.

If You Were Born on the 25th

If you were born on the 25th of any month your day of birth is ruled by Neptune! Neptune offers you its philosophical nature and heightened perception. You manners are generally even-keeled. However, when you get excited, you get VERY excited. This helps you greatly when writing or speaking – you can take any story and spin it into something captivating.

Your personality is all about balance. You are a realist, and your ability to deeply analyze subjects and situations makes you a viable source of information. You are also a dreamer, but your goals are tangible. You are ruled by your emotional side and rational side equally. You are a deep thinker and you always have an agenda. You have kind intentions towards all people.

Your sensitivity to your loved ones keeps you spiritually in tune with them, so you usually know what is going on in their heads. In fact, you generally can see past peoples’ actions to reveal their intentions. However, that does not stop you from associating yourself with troublesome people! You also gravitate towards those who are wealthy and business-minded – not because you are a gold digger. You are very capable of achieving success on your own. However, you like the finer things in life, and you prefer being with someone who is stable enough to enjoy them with you.

If You Were Born on the 26th

If you were born on the 26th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Saturn! Saturn gives you the potential to be greatly successful and be in a position of power. You make a great leader because you are humble and accepting of other peoples’ opinions. You know how to know how to get people to see things the way you do. You are also diplomatic, and you win people over by earning their respect.

You are highly ambitious, and it is likely that you will reach the level of success that you dream of. One thing that needs to be compensated for is your negligence of details. You can either work on that on your own, or work with someone who is more detail oriented than you are.

In love, you seek out relationships that balance all the types of connections. You prefer a relationship that will let you keep your independence, while sharing an emotional, spiritual, mental and sexual connection. You work very hard to provide for your loved ones – this is one of the main ways you show your love. You are more of a giver in relationships, and you tend to willingly sacrifice more than most people for the ones you love. However, when you feel you are being taken advantage of, you lash out – HARD. The ideal mate for you is someone who will understand your tendency to overwork yourself and who help you develop patience.

If You Were Born on the 27th

If your birthday falls on the 27th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Mars! Mars gives you the gift of being a natural leader. If an astrologer thinks of Mars in the 9th house/Sagittarius (27=2+7=9), it will be easy to figure out some characteristics that 27 day people possess. You are constantly seeking knowledge and you are great at retaining the important information you gather. You are interested in learning about many different subjects in life. You are ambitious and you most likely have had a lot of luck pass your way. Keywords: pass your way. You let opportunities slide because of your own uncertainties.

You love traveling, you are cultured, and can relate to people from all walks of life. Underneath your calm exterior is a simmering pot of stressful thoughts. You are constantly trying to play your cards just right in life, and on top of that, you second-guess yourself so much. I can assure you – as long as you are good to the ones you love, the easier you will find fortune in all areas of life.

In love, you are attracted to people who will keep you on your toes. The perfect person is the type who will be there for inspiration and moral support, yet can be dominated at the same time. Your sexuality is kept steady throughout your life because sex to you is a never-ending conquest – and not necessarily seen as a primal desire. You are naturally charming and can get along with anyone. The main thing to watch out for is your tendency to put your wants and needs over others to the point where it dominates the ones you love.

If You Were Born on the 28th

If you were born on the 28th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by the Sun! The Sun lends you its stubbornness and natural leadership qualities. You are great at leading groups of people, and keep your own ideas in mind although different ones may be thrown at you simultaneously. You are a pioneer and a risk-taker. You don’t mind going into the unknown because you have confidence that you will be able to handle what comes your way. Although you may be a spontaneous person, you have astute planning abilities when it comes to work. People look to you for guidance because of this.

In your personal life, you are independent and very self-sufficient. You have a creative flair that follows you in many aspects of your life. Your vivid imagination adds to your creativity. When you believe that things should be done a certain way, it is hard to convince you otherwise. However, you do not force your beliefs on others.

The perfect partner for you is someone who is intelligent. You are probably the type who can’t stand stupidity. In relationships, sexual and mental stimulation are needed to keep you from looking for more. When you are with someone, you are very demonstrative about your love for them. The opposite (or same!) sex is very attracted to you, almost magnetically so. One of the main setbacks in relationships for you is compromise – sometimes you attach your ego to your beliefs, and it is difficult to separate the two.

If You Were Born on the 29th

If you were born on the 29th of any month, your day of birth reduces to 11, which is a Master Number! Your day of birth is also ruled by the Moon, which gives you a powerful intuition. You don’t come outright and tell people about your intuition, though. Although you crave social interaction, at the end of the day you prefer keep to yourself, your close friends and your family. For work, the thought of doing something totally unique and off the beaten path is very appealing to you. You are not a materialistic person, though money flows steadily for you.

You are very skilled at multi-tasking and you have a knack for physical and emotional healing. Work in some sort of healing profession is spiritually satisfying to you. You are very intelligent, practical and organized. Your determination is constantly tested by your ability to let frustration and depression take over you. Also, you often take on more than you can handle.

You can overcome these setbacks when you find a way to balance yourself and find peace of mind.
When in a relationship, it is not usually a light-hearted one. Your emotional attachments run deep, and the object of your affection is a often the star of your daydreams. Your relationships last long as long as you are with someone who understands that you may need encouragement through your emotional setbacks.

If You Were Born on the 30th

If your birthday falls on the 30th of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Jupiter! People born on this date are bestowed with Jupiter’s optimism and desire to expand on knowledge. You are willing and able to learn about many different subjects, because you are genuinely interested in them. Because of this, it is easy for you to get along with people from different walks of life – you can converse with just about anyone about what their interests. By nature, you are a very entertaining person. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and can help turn even the most boring activities into an adventure.

Quick and rational thinking make you an excellent debater and problem solver. Others view you as eccentric – you spice up other peoples’ lives, and they keep you around because of that. You love your freedom, but somehow manage to tightly hold on to the ones you love. Successful friendships and loveships are with those who are happy to follow your lead. You naturally like to call the shots and keep your own priorities in the spotlight. Although you have probably found people who understand your needs, make sure you don’t neglect theirs – that is how friends get lost.

If you haven’t found it already, success is within your reach. You just need to work on your impatience, and tone down the harshness of your words. Learn to be diplomatic even though you feel the need to passionately express your opinion – you will gain much more respect this way.

If You Were Born on the 31st

If you were born on the 31st of any month, your day of birth is ruled by Uranus. Uranus gives you the gifts of creative expression and unpredictability. You have the element of surprise attached to you. Just when people think they know you, you surprise them by doing something completely unexpected. You also have a multi-faceted personality – you tend to have friends in many different circles, and different mutual interests associated with each of them. So, when you let someone into your life, it is very likely that this person will be surprised about some of the things you do for fun.

Your individual creativity comes in the form of a unique stamp on everything you care about – this can span over your choice of clothes, the way you style your hair, the ideas you have to make your job more interesting, etc. You are great at planning and executing big projects. You are an innovator, and have the ability to make huge changes wherever you end up working.

The right partner for you would be someone who will constantly feed you with positivity. You tend to let pessimism simmer under your happy exterior. You will also need someone with a very healthy sexual appetite, and an open-mindedness in the bedroom (or wherever you feel like doing it at the time).