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The Composite Chart is the only chart that offers you a snapshot of any relationship, outside of time an space. You put two people together as one, and you can see the beginning, the middle & the end, then back to the beginning, again. The Saturn in the Composite chart is your limitations, and your difficulties with each other. (Look at the the house first & sign as a secondary indicator, for the full picture).

If you want to find your Composite chart, go to In the Extended Chart Selection, underneath “chart type” select Composite Chart Midpoint-method”.  Put the two partners (relationship between ANY two people, not just romantic) into the Birth Data section. After you click to see the chart, find the Saturn sign symbol, then read the descriptions below for Sign and House. 

Composite Saturn in the 1H/Aries

With Composite Saturn in the 1st house or Aries, this can be a relationship that feels very limiting and restricting for the both of you. You may feel you have more responsibilities within the relationship, and it can be overwhelming. You have to be completely and totally mature and responsible in this relationship in order for it to work, otherwise you can have too many difficulties. If you can do that, this can be a relationship that endures.


Composite Saturn in the 2H/Taurus

With Composite Saturn in the 2nd house or Taurus, you can feel you have more limited resources and wealth in this relationship for some reason. In a personal relationship, you may struggle to handle finances properly together, and you need to be more fiscally responsible. In a business relationship, this can go either way, and it can make it more difficult for you to be financially successful together, but it can also make you work harder and create more wealth for you down the road together.


Composite Saturn in the 3H/Gemini

With Composite Saturn in the 3rd house or Gemini, communication can be difficult, and you may not feel like you can be completely open with one another or have difficulty understanding each other. You have to focus on opening the lines of communication, and allowing one another to express yourself fully. Continually working on improving your communication may be required, and without it, you just can’t see eye-to-eye.


Composite Saturn in the 4H/Cancer

With Composite Saturn in the 4th house or Cancer, this can be difficult in a personal relationship where you live together, or in a family relationship since this house rules the home and family. You can find it difficult to create the kind of life together that you envision, and may have different ideas of what that means. You need to be on the same page if building a life together. If a family relationship, you need to work on not being judgmental of one another.


Composite Saturn in the 5H/Leo

With Composite Saturn in the 5th house or Leo, you can have a hard time expressing the love you may feel for one another, if this is a personal relationship. In a business relationship, you can take things more seriously together but may lack creativity. This can be a difficult position for a parent-child relationship since this house rules children; the parent may be distant, or the child rebellious until they get older. If this pairing is trying to have children together, there can be delays and difficulties.


Composite Saturn in the 6H/Virgo

With Composite Saturn in the 6th house or Virgo, you each may feel that there is a tremendous amount of work that has to be done on a daily basis for the relationship. You may nitpick the partnership to death, making it difficult to survive, so you have to avoid that. In a professional relationship, this house does rule work, so you can find it more difficult to work together or find that you have greater focus and discipline together.


Composite Saturn in the 7H/Libra

With Composite Saturn in the 7th house or Libra, this is the house of relationships and so it can go either way. Saturn can help to strengthen your relationship placed here, and help the relationship endure. But he can also make it more difficult for you to treat each other with respect, create disharmony, and make you feel unbalanced together if you’re not focused on the same things and both taking an equal share of the responsibilities in the relationship.


Composite Saturn in the 8H/Scorpio

With Composite Saturn in the 8th house or Scorpio, you may struggle over control of the relationship and over one another. You may not say anything though, which can lead to resentments, and you each may bottle up any bad feelings you have until you explode. You have to make a conscious effort to understand one another deeply, and to transform yourselves and the relationship together to help you grow.


Composite Saturn in the 9H/Sagittarius

With Composite Saturn in the 9th house or Sagittarius, you may find that you’re not as optimistic together or about the relationship, and you try to be more realistic. This may make you feel less joy in the relationship though, and you can feel quite restricted and limited, unable to expand your lives together or have enough space within the relationship to do your own thing. You need to find a balance between optimism and realism, expansion and limitation.


Composite Saturn in the 10H/Capricorn

With Composite Saturn in the 10th house or Capricorn, this is the house Saturn naturally rules, so it can be a little easier than the other placements. You do have to work on pure Saturn energy together though, and make sure you’re being responsible, disciplined, and ambitious together. You can help one another reach a common goal, and you can see the direction you’re going in together if you stay on the same path.


Composite Saturn in the 11H/Aquarius

With Composite Saturn in the 11th house or Aquarius, you may feel that this relationship doesn’t allow you to be your quirky self as much, give you much independence, or help you to achieve your dreams. You may feel you need to be more realistic about your dreams because of this pairing. You may also feel that you have less friends or spend less time around other people, and have to make an effort to not cut yourself off from others.

Composite Saturn in the 12th House/Pisces

With Composite Saturn in the 12th house or Pisces, the old issues and baggage that each of you has can be a bigger issue in this relationship. You may feel that it overwhelms you together, or you don’t want to deal with it at all. If you can work together, you can help each other to move on from past issues, but you have to avoid leading to your own undoing, which may seem like more of a possibility with this person.

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