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Jupiter and Saturn are opposite sides of the same coin: Jupiter expands, is joyful, optimistic; Saturn contracts, is cautious and realistic. These two planets are the social planets, showing how we connect from the personal to the generational. Let’s explore these two.

Jupiter & Saturn in the Natal Chart

In the natal chart, Jupiter can show areas where we experience greater ease or “luck” in our lives, where things come more easily to us. Jupiter is considered a benefic, or beneficial planet, and generally just wants everything to be great.

Saturn shows the areas where we experience the greatest difficulties, the most challenges, and have the most to learn. Saturn is often a misunderstood planet, seen as highly negative, but really, he just wants us to learn life’s lessons.

In the natal chart, Saturn often shows the areas where we’ll face challenges until “adulthood,” or after we experience our first Saturn Return in our late 20’s/early 30’s (it’s when transit – moving – Saturn returns to the exact position it was at when you were born; it’s seen as one of the aspects that signals the start of adulthood).


Jupiter & Saturn in Prediction

In predictive astrology, wherever transit (moving) Jupiter is, we tend to have things fall into place with greater ease. Sometimes this will occur without you doing anything, but usually you have to put in even just a little effort. If you don’t, then it’ll usually manifest as laziness and missing opportunities.

Jupiter going through the 1st house or in the sign of your Sun or Moon can also be good for losing weight (if you put in the effort) or gaining weight (if you don’t).

Generally, Jupiter is the happy planet and only wants happy things to happen, however it’s base energy is expansion, so sometimes it will expand on the bad.

Saturn in prediction is tricky. Usually at first, it’ll bring difficulty with the areas of life the natal house it’s going through rules. This is because, again, Saturn wants you to learn life’s lessons, so if you haven’t been behaving properly, making good decisions and being responsible, it’ll force you to.

Any problems Saturn brings tend to come in the first half of the transit. As Saturn nears the end of a house, things tend to improve, especially if you’ve been wo

Saturn’s hardest during its first tour through your houses; after your Saturn Return, you enter the second tour, and it tends to get easier with each tour afterwards (because, obviously, you keep learning lessons and need Saturn less).


Jupiter & Saturn in General

Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a fire sign, and Sagittarius is bold, brave, and fun-loving. Sagittarius isn’t too serious, and wants to enjoy life and learn through experiences.

Jupiter is the ruler of the 9th house, which is the house of higher learning and long-distance travel. This house opens us up and wants us to get out and go. It also rules our beliefs.

Saturn rules Capricorn, an earth sign, and this sign is practical, focused on where we’re going, and ambitious. This sign is responsible, mature, and ethical.

Saturn is the ruler of the 10th house, which is the house of goals and direction. It shows what we want to achieve in this life. This is the highest part of a chart (the Midheaven), and is where we’re constantly trying to hit the highest point.

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