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An Old School MySpace Survey

  1. Last beverage: Wine
  2. Last phone call: I don’t actually pick up my phone, so idk
  3. Last song you listened to: the entire love, actually soundtrack, i’m obsessed with it.
  4. Zodiac sign: libra, but that’s evil to know that.
  5. Height: 5’5 and 3 quarters
  6. What are your three favorite colors: purple, black and pink. but like i also love blue i think.
  7. Piercings: 4 in the ears, 1 in the belly. lol
  8. Tattoos: i can’t get tattoos, because i am a bentley.
  9. First school: what.
  10. Believe in luck? no, i believe that luck died the day i was born. that’s nihilistic, but also true. and has been proven.
  11. Believe in love at first sight: yeah, i’m in love with leonardo dicaprio, and i knew that the first time that i saw him.
  12. Believe in Heaven: sure, if it’s a place on earth and not in the sky, cuz i’m not fucking retarded.
  13. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? obviously.
  14. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? sure, this is a stupid question, cuz i can’t imagine anyone saying no.
  15. Did you ever fail a driver’s test? okay if i’m 60 you can word this like this. but since i’m not, you have to word it differently. i’m not answering.
  16. What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? i’d potatoes. or spaghetti. orrrrr chipotle.
  17. Last thing you spent money on? actually it was chipotle.
  18. Do you like the snow? gross.
  19. Do you like the outside? hate it.
  20. What makes you happy? dirt. idk.
  21. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? that’s my life man.
  22. Ever been outside your home country? it depends on what you mean by that.
  23. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? who hasn’t.
  24. Are you afraid of the dark?  yes. who’s not afraid of the dark. i’d like to meet that person and ask them why they are full of lies.
  25. Do you believe in true love? yes, again leonardo dicaprio and me are in love.
  26. Do you wear make-up? yes, because without it i look like a hog.
  27. How many windows are open on your computer? a lot actually.
  28. Who last texted you? my brother, he sucks. don’t ask.
  29. Who did you last text? my brother?
  30. What are you craving right now? vodka.
  31. Would you live with someone without marrying them? oh gross, no never. i lived with my parents and siblings without marrying them, and i’ve regretted it ever since.
  32. What’s irritating you right now? the lack of vodka. probably.
  33. Do you want any pets: eewwwwww, pets are gross, and no one should have them. except this one time i had a siberian hamster that was so effing cute. and it DIED. so idk.
  34. Do you want to change your name: yes to morbid rancor. a couple words i just learned.
  35. Lost glasses/contacts: i don’t have to wear that shit, because my eyesight is, and i quote “too perfect”
  36. Been arrested: all the time and twice on sunday.
  37. Milk chocolate or white chocolate? white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from subway are the shit.
  38. Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirling is for dancing, cutting is also for dancing if it includes rugs.
  39. Do you type fast? yes, this quiz actually cost the quiz time, cuz i typed so fast.
  40. Do you sing in the shower? i moan in the shower.
  41. Have you dated someone twice: i’ve never dated anyone actually, see question 26, not 25, cuz that might confuse you.
  42. Moved out of town: who hasn’t.
  43. Where is your favorite place on earth? probably my high school, loved it there, hope to go back in the future. never wanted to leave. it was so fun, and i belong there now.
  44. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? that i’m attractive and a genius.
  45. Something you hate to do? quizzes like this one. totally hate it.
  46. What would be the best gift ever? a dog named after yourself. like if i gave my best friend a dog that she had to take care of named alyssa. that would be hilarious.
  47. Do you wish on shooting stars? everyone does it, they just are afraid to admit it.
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