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The Composite Chart is the only chart that offers you a snapshot of any relationship, outside of time an space. You put two people together as one, and you can see the beginning, the middle & the end, then back to the beginning, again. 

If you want to find your Composite chart, go to In the Extended Chart Selection, underneath “chart type” select Composite Chart Midpoint-method”.  Put the two partners (relationship between ANY two people, not just romantic) into the Birth Data section. After you click to see the chart, pay attention to the following rule:

Rule #1

Venus is the Woman and Mars is the Man.

To make explanations easier I have put my birth chart with Alexander Skarsgård’s birth chart, to create our composite chart. BTW, I am writing this article, so I am allowed to pair myself up with anyone I feel like.

The first thing I would look at in this chart, is the condition, degree, sign and house of the Venus & the Mars. Venus is me and Mars is Alexander. So obviously, I want to see what he sees in me, and then I want to clarify what I see in him, and why this could or could not be a possibility–our particular purpose together and whether or not we chase each other or push each other away. You do need some basic level of reading a natal/birth chart to understand what I will be digging into, so if you have not mastered that, consider this an intermediate course, that you need a pre-req for.

Both Alex and mine’s signifiers (Mars and Venus respectively) fall in Virgo in the 4H with the Sun, and some out of sign planets, such as Saturn, Mercury and Part of Fortune. I am the 16 degree Venus in Virgo, and he is the 22 degree Mars in Virgo. 16 is the degree of the Maiden, in the Maiden’s sign of Virgo, so for me, it aligns that I think he is so hot, and I want him to think I’m hot, and I am like a giddy little girl about him, and feel much younger than I am around him (for more information on your degrees, click here). The 4H of home combined with the Sun (representing the heart of the reason we are together), says that I would be totally down to bring this whole thing home, and I would LOVE him (see more info on Composite Sun here).

Now Alexander’s Mars is 22 degrees, which is the kill or be killed degree, in Virgo in the 4H. This is known as a pile drive. I know from this chart–even though I am not certain of Alexander and I as a whole ass couple–that he would be willing to plow this field if he ever met me. So what does this mean? This is Maiden and Hot guy energy, and it’s something the Universe sees would happen, if we were in the same place at the same time. The key here, is getting there, the composite chart cannot tell you if you get there, it only shows you what happens after you meet.

So now, you can look at the aspects to these two planets, besides their obvious conjunction, they are both square Neptune in the 7H. Any square to Neptune is anti-illusion. Both of us in Virgo would want to make sure it was completely stable and real, and would never jump into it if we thought something was amiss or there was a lie in there somewhere. We would always be completely honest with the other by default.  All in all for both of as individuals, it’s very grounded, and with the Sun there and Saturn, it really can’t die once it begins. It just keeps it’s stability for both of us. This relationship because of the 4H and the 7H with Venus/Mars/Saturn would most likely end up in marriage. Obviously, I’d have to meet him first.

Now, the last thing to explain is the degrees. The Venus is 16, which falls in the 2nd decan of Virgo, co-ruled by Capricorn, and middle aged. This means that I am relatively balanced in my opinion of this relationship and of Alexander. I also like him for his status… The Mars is 22, which falls in the 3rd decan of Virgo co-ruled by Taurus, which is money and beauty, meaning he would value me for those things, but since it is the 3rd, it means he’s in the eldest stage of the sign, and he probably knows me more than I know him. The best degrees, if you have a partner who falls in the 3rd decan of any sign are 22, 26 and 28. The other degrees can be lazy about who you are. For instance, a Mars at 29 degrees would look at his partner like he already knows her/him and is over it, but whatever the shoe fits.

To continue this, the 1st decan of any sign is the youngest, meaning you legit don’t know what you’re looking at half the time. There’s a lot of nerves there. So if my Venus happened to be in the 1st decan, I would be more wary of his 3rd decan Mars, because I would just feel one-sided or out of my league.

To Recap:

  1. Venus is the woman (or feminine)
  2. Mars is the man (or masculine)
  3. The sign of Venus & Mars is the energy you feel
  4. The house of Venus & Mars is where you feel the energy
  5. The degree of Venus & Mars is the directive of the Woman or Man, respectively
  6. The decan of the Venus & Mars tells you how much you know the other person naturally, or how much effort you will put into knowing them.
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