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I’ve been studying the sign of Gemini for a year. Not that the other signs aren’t just as important, but I’ve always felt that they were easier to comprehend. Gemini is a freak show. Not in a bad way, just in the “I have no idea what I’m going to get” type way. It’s a hall of mirrors. A sacred clown. A choice between good & evil. A red pill or a blue pill.

Each sign of the Zodiac contains one part of the myth of Eden. Aries is Adam, Taurus is Eve, & Gemini is the choice they made to become separate from God. In tarot, the Lover’s card is ruled by Gemini, and is usually depicted with the twin flames of Adam & Eve, standing by the two trees: Eve by knowledge & Adam by life. We know how their story unfolds, they choose to know what God knows & give up the gift of eternal life—or is that how it REALLY goes?

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. Gemini would never choose anything other than knowledge, unless it desired to gouge its own eyes out on purpose. It’s just that once choosing knowledge, it’s not an instant cure. The red pill doesn’t transport Neo out of the Matrix, it is merely a location device. Knowledge is not learned in a single bite of fruit, but once the seed is planted, it needs time for the truth to take root, and then it grows & so do we, exactly in the places we were meant to be planted—our homes (Cancer). The fruit is a location device, to get us into alignment with our true selves, faults and all, so that we can be fully alive.

It was always written that people would choose to advance & progress their lives, even if it meant losing their safety. We don’t stay with our parents forever. We eventually venture out into the world & by the blood, sweat & tears of our own bodies, we make something of ourselves. Adam & Eve were never meant to stay in Eden. Ignorance is bliss, but it isn’t why we are alive. A father dictating the choice of the son, would be it’s own type of evil & God cannot be evil, so he watches Adam choose Eve over him.

Gemini is Pandora’s box. It wasn’t an accident that Pandora let out all the evils in to the world. Zeus put her in control of this power, because he was mad at man for not listening to him. He knew she couldn’t resist. He knew she would choose to open the jar, in fact, he counted on it. Zeus put the temptation in front of Pandora to gain control over man, so men would need him. This is the same as God putting the temptation in front of Eve. Same as God taking Eve from Adam’s rib, so that Adam could finally see himself for who is. It is though choosing to love Eve, the shadow, that Adam, the light, finally listens to his creator—instead of ruling the world with full dominion & no accountability.

Gemini is the twins, and that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The idea that if one person is born, his energy would need to be balanced or mirrored by another. We are two sides of the same whole, same as our minds have two sides. When in balance, they live in harmony in our heads, and in society. But when out of balance, the shadow or reflection of man—the woman—learns & grows & creates & destroys to restore her place in the world. Her choice is to act & make chaos in order to progress humanity, and his choice is to fully love her, not because she is perfect, but because she reminds him of who really he is—imperfect, but still worthy.

With Gemini, the choice was always an illusion. Life or death? In order to live, man will always choose the beauty of the woman (the beauty of life), woman will always choose the temptation of knowledge (the snake & the tree), and through the destruction of ego (making love), Man would finally become more like God, instead of just play acting.

We have the masculine & feminine sides in our minds, and as humans we are archetypes. If we can love ourselves by choosing our chaos, instead of blocking it in shame, we can finally know what God knows.

This Gemini season, no need to worry about the choice, Eden is restored through choosing the shadow. Follow the temptation, it will lead you home.

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