i write so many taylor songs
you would think i was a poetic
i write so many lana songs
you would only believe i love
old racists.
i say so many fucking funny things
you swear i’m a narcissist.
i guess i’m both.
or all.
a lyricist
and racist.
a narcissist.
wonder why
barack obama
still doesn’t give up his birth certificate?
what’s that even?
something i used to care about.
what’s that about?
i still care about it.
and still care about his birth country,
what does that make me?
first principles thinking.
simplified basic truths.
what about the the youths?
what about me?
i want to be president.
i want it so bad
it kills me that my mom was a whore
and a pretend homemaker.
and not some social,
political bet she’s something
shit maker.
no, just a social FUCKING NOTHING.
so now they say “how can you be president?”
and i say, “because I SHOULD BE.”
i know everything about the world.
about america.
about the universe.
and my dad’s a genius.
my mom’s an abusive whore.
that’s the problem with me now.
i’m too smart for my life.