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slut II

we were thrown on a long sleeping bag full of poetry
like you know when we once spent all of our time pretending to love propriety
Like when you were a god fearing christian
and i was the girl of your dreams
do you remember when you could have had me
and then you fucked too many femtards
like you could have had me
and then you played the man card
so here were are…

i wanted to get over you.
i wanted you to stay
i wanted you to stop hurting me
i wanted you to pay
so here we are…

And then you found that this was better
to be the man that followed his own fathers letter
to the silence of the man
that’s better off in the can
of a film no one will see
just you and me
dancing to fake politicians
wondering if they could ever understand
like we aren’t already panned together
lets be forever
said no one.
we just pretend
for some fun.

so here we are…

You like them stupid
or so you think
because you don’t think
“is that what you think?”
like i’m dying and you save the dumbass bitch that pretends she’s a school teacher
the ugly bitch that controls you and tells you not to eat her salad that goes bad tomorrow
are you serious with this? that you honestly went this way?
blame me only because i worked with your mind that was already thinking it was okay
to compare a dumbass retard with thinning white girl hair, to me.

So here are.

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