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(Previously published on tumblr in 2014. Scroll down for video on all the houses.)

Looking at your Progressed Moon is the most basic and exciting way to read a Progressed chart. (You can find one on, in the pull down menu—the asterisk indicates that you need to put your current location in—Also you need an accurate birth TIME). The moon progresses through each house ABOUT every 2 years.

So, say you were born with your moon in the 1st house, and you’re about 18 years old, your moon should be progressing into your 9th house, which will turn your mind and emotions towards higher learning and travel! THAT’S GREAT FOR YOU. Now the rest of us, we will have different things going on…

If your moon is currently progressed into the 4th, 8th or 12th (WATER), you will be going through a strong or probably very rough emotional time. This is probably due to dealing with the decisions you made when the moon was progressed into the 3rd, 7th, and 11th (AIR), respectively. This is because (in part) those houses represent a relational need that you are trying to fulfill, and when you involve others in your life, you learn that people hurt you.

EX For Air and Water: When the moon was in my 11th house I chose to leave my church (group or organization), as they made it clear they didn’t want me, after dealing with the gossip my sexual assault brought them. My 12th house is huge, so the next 3 years, while my moon was progressed there, I drank and partied a ton, but also learned about myself (a lot) and Astrology.

Now, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th (EARTH) house are all about working towards a goal. Think about those house rulers: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. I feel like those are house-cleaning houses (can I say that?), getting rid of the junk to unleash the material, work, or career success in your life (respectively). You progressed to those houses because of what the 1st, 5th and 9th houses let you take on.

The 1st, 5th, and 9th are my favorite because they are the easiest, and they SHOULD BE after what you had to go through in the water houses! They are all about FIRE. 1st wants you to Invent a new path for yourself, the 5th wants you to create (sometimes get pregnant—lol), and the 9th wants you to research new opportunities and life paths.

Ex. for Fire and Earth: I’m nearing the end of my 1st house progressed moon. I got a baby, a new career, and I have so many ideas!! But I can already feel that in order to move on with life, I will have to clean my house a little, so that I can focus on a few things to ultimately make me feel more comfortable. My 2nd house moon should bring about material success in what is currently, just a bunch of random ideas.


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