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Signs in the Second House:

The 2nd/Second House in your birth/natal chart is all about the values that you hold dear. For most of us, our worth and value stems from money and material items, which is why many interpretations of this house are about generating income, and how to utilize it all to be rich.

The best way to read the sign in the Second House, is by understanding your personal values within the context of the sign. 

The 2nd house is a Succedent or supportive house, as it supports and follows the 1st house of Identity. You cannot sustain an identity, if you have no self worth.

Even if you have no planets in your 2nd House, the Sign naturally tells you a lot about your upbringing and personality.

Aries in the 2nd house: Your value comes from ambition and independence–so do not be complacent or reliant on others. You love competition and take pride in yourself when you can make more money than your neighbor–so you do find money to be important. You don’t always think about how you’re going to make your earnings, you just do it, and things come very naturally for you. You might spend your money very impulsively, or slack off at work, when you lose respect for authority… remember that blaming others for your lack of income, will not help you succeed in any way. You tend to be afraid of having to support other people, or being used by them, so you might end up being supported and the user, instead. Just be smart and respectful to the things you own and to others, and don’t be selfish with your money, because in that way, you will lose respect and have to rationalize your value.

You will enjoy making money doing Aries things, like: being on your feet, leading others, using energy, working out, taking care of business and not crying about it.

Taurus in the 2nd house: Your value comes from knowing that you work hard and that you have earned the beauty and comfort in which you live. You choose joy in everyday life over money, but a lot of the joy you have, is found in having the nice things in which to surround yourself. You can be selfish with your belongings, but it’s mainly because you don’t want other people hurting, or destroying your stuff. Someone breaks a vase that you own, and it’s like they are saying that they don’t care about you. You might hang on to things for a rainy day that will never come. Learn to let go of the memories frozen in personal items, so that you can get rid of the materials you don’t need. You don’t need to be a hoarder to feel secure.

You will enjoy making money doing Taurus things, like: Eating food and drinking coffee, relaxing, moving at a slow, even pace, having ample time off for hobbies, and doing any artistic endeavor that your parents told you wouldn’t make you rich.

Gemini in the 2nd house: Your value is found in communicating and spending time with close friends and family. Good friends will bring you security and add value to your life with their time and presence. You would prefer to make a decent living surrounded by people that you can tolerate, than make a fortune alone or work in a bad environment. If the people you deem worthy don’t like you, you tend to dislike yourself, so be careful of including too many shitty people in your life, just to counteract the fear of being on your own. You are, however, not someone who cares about the opinion of acquaintances and enemies, which is a gift. You can act bipolar with money, spending like crazy, and then holding on to it for dear life. Learn to save your money, because you never know when the shit will hit the fan and you will be in need, but don’t ever lose your generosity.

You will enjoy making money doing Gemini things, like: Talking face to face, any fast-paced, but superficial environment, using your hands, writing, and not worrying that all of that will be boring to you next week.

Cancer in the 2nd house: Your value is found in your family, loved ones, and what they think of you–this means if you feel rejected by them, you will have a hard time loving yourself, and could start self-harming. You spend or save money out of emotional binging and purging, and not out of any necessity. When you know you might be short on rent, you buy yourself something nice instead. Eventually you must learn how great it feels to save up for something truly nice, without making an impulse decision. You might feel that creating your own family with children, is the best way to find your value, when in reality, their inevitable rejection will cause you to face a greater insecurity. Learn to love yourself before you choose to give your love away, or your spouse and children will suffer silently.

You will enjoy making money doing Cancer things, like: Hiding in your house or a cubicle, pretending that you hate the spotlight, really enjoying your coworkers, or quitting it all, and living life in a cottage where you create art with only your animals as companions.

Leo in the 2nd house: Your value is wrapped up in your ego, and how much income you can generate. It is not that Leo 2nd houses are greedy–they are just fearful of being left without money and security. This is possibly due to watching a parent act foolishly with their money (by hoarding, gambling, etc), instead of giving you basic stability and financial security. Try not to be paralyzed by the fear of living without, just know that you will not make the same mistakes so many do, if you are clear and levelheaded. Remember that it’s very normal for people to dislike you but still want to follow you anywhere–don’t let it effect your view of yourself. Don’t reject gifts out of pride, and by the same token do not take what is not yours, if it’s not offered, first. Building your own security, and pulling yourself up “by your own bootstraps”, will ultimately give you the pride you need to go on living abundantly.

You will enjoy making money doing Leo things, like: Being in the spotlight, signing autographs, telling your life story to a ghostwriter, working with friends and leading others into making an exciting living.

Virgo in the 2nd house: Your value comes from serving others. This, on it’s own, does not automatically make you a good person, though you might have been taught otherwise. You must always check yourself, “Am I doing this to make myself feel worthy, or is it truly to a selfless act?” There is a difference, and the former can actually do more harm to your self-worth, than good, especially if you wait for others to affirm your behavior. Do not allow yourself to be a doormat, and you will find true happiness in the time you spend getting paid for your work, and the time you spend volunteering. Learn to ask for raises and promotions when you feel that you deserve them, and do not take on the role of the unappreciated martyr. Choosing to be a martyr is not a selfless act when there is no need for anyone to sacrifice–it is just foolish.

You will enjoy making money doing Virgo things, like: Tedious things that have to get done, working with small pliers and moving wires around, talking to others via remote satellite instead of in a board room, and pretending to hate every minute of anything you do.

Libra in the 2nd house: Your value comes from joining in fair partnerships. Because of your need to see your worth through the companionship of someone else, you tend to misunderstand someone’s affirmation of you, as letting you take what they have, or vice versa. This is out of a confusion and insecurity, where you believe that you were not valued enough, or that you were not given the security you should have had. In this way, you may get angry at others (who you believe have more than you) for not living up to their true potential, when it’s really you, who is not living up to your own potential. Be careful not to treat another’s gifts or money as if it should belong to you, or take credit for someone else’s work. By the same token, don’t overly praise another for their gifts, and forget to see the work that you have personally created. What seems fair to you, might be asking too much of someone else, and vice-versa. Be willing to make HEALTHY compromises and you will find value in yourself.

You will enjoy making money doing Libra things, like: Having a partner to share credit, pretending that supporting someone is difficult for you (or maybe even wrong) even though you love it, creating beautiful art with others, and sharing all of your endeavors for a lovely and creative learning experience.

Scorpio in the 2nd house: Your value is found in living a meaningful existence, but your actions might counteract this fact with your derived nonchalance about your self-worth and place in the world. You may have a hard time feeling like you are worth spending money on, and because of that you will squander the money that you have been given, or the money that you have earned fairly. Try to build your life up, instead of destroying what you have, and you will give yourself value and self-esteem. If someone gives you a gift, treat it with respect and take care of it. If you earn something, be proud of yourself and don’t throw it away. Take care of your body and your belongings. This is how you will start making the meaningful connections and living the meaningful life that you truly want to live.

You will enjoy making money doing Scorpio things, like: Using up your chaotic energy by working hard, but not having to worry about being relied on, working with weirdos so that you can identify their behaviors, and probably writing about finding love in a dark place.

Sagittarius in the 2nd house: You find your value in any knowledge that you have attained through your own personal observation and reflection. You tend to act like you don’t care about money, but in reality you are very competitive in this area, and that drives you to be successful and wealthy. Try not to hurt those close to you in your quest for your own value and self worth, by being too big picture and avoiding feelings. You also might avoid dealing with your pain, and you even become upset with others who don’t see how hard it is to be you. Remember that the grass isn’t always greener, and so people don’t like to bestow pity if they don’t have to. Also, most people see you as having a healthy self-esteem (even if it’s not true), because of the natural way that you talk yourself “up”. The time you spend wandering and wondering alone is the time that truly learn to love yourself, and it is through these endeavors on your own, that you will really shine and make monetary advancements.

You will enjoy making money doing Sagittarius things, like: Traveling, competing, blowing people’s minds, showing everyone how smart and amazing you are, and winning trophies along the way.

Capricorn in the 2nd house: You find your value in the power you can attain. It’s beneficial for you to be a boss or to lead others, and to eventually create some kind of empire. Because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, you might have had many early blows to your security, which would have made you feel like you have to work hard for your money–no exceptions. There are times you might be able to rest, but instead you focus on gaining extra money, to put away for a rainy day. These early blows to your security might have caused a low self-esteem in your youth, but as you grow, you become very strong in your views of yourself, and your value. It might feel like life is a constant battle uphill, so it’s important to take time and enjoy the love that is given to you, by the people who love what you really are, and not just what you have worked to create.

You will enjoy making money doing Capricorn things like: Working so hard you forget that you have to let your dog out, any work is really fine, as long as you get to prop your feet up on an ottoman and have a beer (or hot green tea), when you get home.

Aquarius in the 2nd house: You find your value in your own unique thoughts and original ideas. Don’t allow yourself to follow the norm of society just for some monetary gain, no matter how ambitious you feel, for it will never satisfy. You definitely have to be the “giver of money” with this position, and you might find that it’s actually difficult to get the same support from others. This is part of the plan, to make you work hard at whatever you do, even if it’s a sort of Robin Hood vigilante thing you do. Like Capricorn in the 2nd house, you probably feel a little shaken from early blows to your security, but unlike Capricorn, you may not realize that asking for money will get old really fast, and is beneath you. Keep working hard and do not ask for handouts, because eventually you will get everything you want, and it will mean more to you, which will give you that unique value that you crave.

You will enjoy making money doing Aquarius things, like: Condescending your coworkers, complaining that you’re worth more than they pay you, and threatening to move somewhere else with your insane gifts of originality, witty banter and rhetoric.

Pisces in the 2nd house: You find your value in loving and being loved in return. Money will never give you self worth, which you seem to be aware of, so you can be pretty nonchalant about it. However, money can be an important means to an end, even if you don’t see it that way, and so you should never be fearful or avoidant of it. Money tends to control those who are most fearful of it, and through that fear and avoidance, you could have the things you love the most, taken from you. Losing what you love is the greatest way to take away from your value and security. Putting effort into doing something worthy of you, that also generates income, will be your keys to success in this life.

You will enjoy making money doing Pisces things, like: Praying (or smoking a joint) before each important decision you make, Loving the people you work with, creating beautiful art, teaching others about spirituality and getting lost without consequences.

Planets in the Second House:


The 2nd/Second House in your birth/natal chart is all about the values that you hold dear. For most of us, our worth and value stems from money and material items, which is why many interpretations of this house are about generating income, and how to utilize it all to be rich.

The best way to read the Planet in the Second House, is by understanding the way one particular part of you stabilizes itself in the house of worth.

The 2nd house is a Succedent or supportive house, as it supports and follows the 1st house of Identity. You cannot sustain an identity, if you have no self worth.

Not everyone has planets in their 2nd house, but when you do, you can look to these description to guide your knowledge of yourself. The accuracy of these statements depends on the condition of the planet, so if it does not sound like you, do not dwell. Astrology should not be something we try and make happen, interpretations are always man-made. You know yourself, and the 2nd house wants to make sure that you love yourself also.


Sun in the 2nd house: Your ego is in the 2nd house, so you must achieve the 2nd house ideal, before you are truly capable of accomplishing other goals. You will have to learn how to create stability within yourself and understand your true value, only then can you move on with any other part of life. Avoiding this will cause your ego to suffer greatly. Don’t rely on others for money or stability, rely on your own inner ambition and desire to build something on a solid rock. Your Sun has stayed in the 2nd house, instead of moving through the chart, most likely due to a lack of cultivating an identity from the 1st house. You felt the need to create your own value and security, as that was the one thing you knew you could make your own, and so you take it very seriously. Don’t let anyone undermine this, but don’t get so focused on security and money that you forget to master the other stages in life. Build what you need and then move on, going back to “freshen up” your 2nd house as needed.

Moon in the 2nd house: Your emotional wellbeing must always be secure, or you will believe you are worthless. To be emotionally fulfilled, you must work towards a meaningful goal, because money is going to come and go with the tides. Working from home will help you hide out when you need to, and will allow you to go at things at your own pace. Your mother probably instilled in you–through her words or actions–that security is very important and that you could do anything, even if it wasn’t monetarily effective, as long as you loved it. You must allow yourself to love what you do, or there will be no meaning, and you will not find inner happiness and peace. The moon is exalted here, by allowing your emotional nature to find stability, and giving you a good and mostly optimistic view of yourself.

Mercury in the 2nd house: You have a mind for making money, and spend a lot of time thinking about it and talking about it. You might even find yourself talking about how amazing you are, if you’re feeling comfortable. If Mercury is well-aspected, you will understand your own value and have true confidence, and this will give you the encouragement to go and get what you need. You might feel highly ambitious, but not everyone will see this in you, they will just admire what you have built for yourself. If Mercury is badly-aspected, you will have a hard time doing and accomplishing what you need, due to a constant mental-blockage. Eventually, with all your mental activity and communication skills being utilized effectively, you will achieve the money (or whatever else) you need to be happy with yourself, and your life.

Venus in the 2nd house: If your not creating beauty, you are not happy making money. You are completely capable of selling your “art” for stability, and it doesn’t have to be “just a hobby”–no matter what the naysayers in your life have told you. Normally this is a great place for a naturally confident person, but if Venus is badly aspected, you will have to go through some shit, before you finally find that self-assurance. You are good at making money, and can make it doing anything, so make sure that your job is truly fulfilling, and that you’re not just rationalizing something that is demeaning, or irresponsible.

Mars in the 2nd house: You might have had your value and esteem beaten out of you–literally or figuratively, depending on how Mars is aspected. Because of this, you have cultivated an internal ambition and are very competitive when it comes to money. This is a very good trait in itself, but can make you ruthless, or even justify doing illegal things for money (remember: you’re not invincible). You need to learn your worth independently of what you have achieved, and love yourself for who you truly are. Try to forgive those who have wronged you, without seeking revenge, but also learn that you can’t keep trusting the same bad people.

Uranus in the 2nd house: You run from security, walls and money like it’s your job. Maybe these things were abruptly taken from you as a child, or maybe it was a rebellion against your upbringing that started it. Either way, you have learned to live in the chaos at a young age, and now it seems to be something you have let define you. Some people with this placement end up hoarding their fortunes, but live in shacks, or even become homeless for no apparent reason. Don’t allow yourself to live so deeply in chaos that you avoid learning from your family’s mistakes. You can become addicted to going your own way, but remember that compromising with “the norm”, will give you the freedom and security that you simultaneously desire.

Jupiter in the 2nd house: You are a little lazy when it comes to maximizing your earnings. You’re an idealist and don’t have the drive to achieve more money than what comes naturally–i.e. you don’t understand the point of working so much harder, to only gain a little more. Due to this being implanted at a young age, you might have grown up in one of two extremes: Born into government housing and lived off the state OR possibly born an heir or trust-fund baby. Either way, you basically have a natural ability to get money through doing minimal work. You have a great belief in your own abilities, which might idly hang out and serve no real purpose, if not utilized. Jupiter is considered lucky, but I see it less of winning through gambling, and more like someone always having your back when you lose. Remember that if you learn to use Jupiter to it’s maximum potential, you will take that natural belief in yourself, and earn a big payout though a tiny bit of hard work.

Saturn in the 2nd house: Saturn represents your karmic lessons, so finding your true worth and value, will come through working out a lot of your insecurities. Due to your upbringing, you don’t enjoy taking from others, and so you get very angry when someone tries to take from you (or when you see others abusing the system, or abusing someone close to you). Saturn in the 2nd can represent a father-figure who worked very hard to support his family–something that you continually aspire to do and constantly feel like you’re falling short of. You feel very helpless and guilty when you can’t save your loved ones from others preying on them and taking advantage. You tend to wish that you could just take the weight off their others, and put it on your own. Take care of the people you love, but also allow them to make their own decisions. And remember, you shouldn’t need to do everything yourself to feel worthy.

Neptune in the 2nd house: When you were a child, you were not given the tools you needed to believe in yourself the usual way. You might have even had to deal with a delusional, fearful, or highly optimistic parent that painted a dream world picture of life for you, instead of allowing you to face the reality of your shared circumstances. So now, the fact that anyone would think you need a roof over your head to love yourself, seems ridiculous. You’re very confused as to why money is so important to people, because you never seemed to need it or miss it. Don’t forget that money doesn’t have to define you, but it is a means to an end, and can actually help you achieve the dreams that you believed in your whole life.

Pluto in the 2nd house: Your security and belief in yourself, was threatened at a young age, and now you struggle with low self-worth. Sometimes this can mean that you grew up feeling like a protector and keeper of someone else’s happiness, instead of being nurtured and cared for, like a child should be. In the terms of money, you might be afraid of it, or see it as a way to get power over someone else–or the masses. Someone in authority, or control of your life, might have taught you this through their own actions against you, or someone you knew. Pluto is very transformational and if you allow yourself to dive into the hurt, pain and feelings that define your worth, you can come out very alive and very confident.

Chiron in the 2nd: Growing up, your self-worth was demeaned and ridiculed in some way. You have a hard time believing in yourself, and making decisions that honor who you really are. As you have gotten older, even if you don’t always feel confident, you have become a healer for people struggling with their own insecurity about who they are, and why they are. Learning through your natural ability to heal of others in this area, is ultimately what will heal you.

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