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the real star wars character’s name meanings

Han Solo = Hand Solo
Lando Calrissian = Land a Kardashian
Luke Skywalker = Look! a sky walker could never land her.
Princess Leia Organa = Princess Lay Her Orgasm
Darth Vader = Dark Vapor
Chewbaca = Chewing Tobacco
Boba Fett = Baby don’t fret
Sheev Palpatine = Her “Palace” is Pristine
Obi-Wan Kenobi = All be one, can all be, dad
Amidala = I’m a dollar
Anakin = Any Kin (Any family could have a chosen one)
Padme = Pad me
Shmi = Shmi is me, I’m Shmi (from hook)
Sith = Sis (sister, the woman is evil)
General Grievous = Generally grievous (a serious blow to my ego)
Greedo = Greedy
Jabba the Hut = I got a job at pizza hut
Count Dooku = Count to cook my pasta with no directions
Wedge Antilles = Wedgie and Titties
Sebulba = “Sounds sexual but isn’t” (it’s the vulva)
Rey = Ray of Light
Ahsoka Tano = I soak a ton in bleach
Kylo Ren = Color in the lines, or I’ll cut your fingers off
Poe Dameron = A posed stammering bitch
Darth Maul = Dark Mall
Admiral Ackbar = I admire at the bar (picking up chicks)
Jango Fett = Jane gonna fret
Mara Jade = Mary Jane, don’t fuck her

There’s more, I know them all, and most are sexual innuendos, FACT.


Moss Eisley: Must I Always
Tatooine: Tatooing
Bespin: Best in the galaxy or Besting. It’s both.
Hoth: Hot (because it should be colth)
Alderaan: Al they’re on Hoth.
Kashyyyk: Cash it.
Coruscant: Cure us? Can’t.
Naboo: Not you.
Mustafar: Much too far.
Jakku: Jack you off.