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Here is the full list of Lords (from my own research over the last few years). Can be used simultaneously with whole sign or placidus.  (This is incomplete but I will be working on it.)

So a little background for those who don’t know. The Lord of a House, is the planetary ruler.  So say I have my 7th house in Virgo, Mercury would be the Lord. If my Mercury is also in the 7th, then you would say “The Lord of my 7th is in the 7th”.  


1st House Lords: Self & Identity

1st House Lord in the 1st: they are the only person who get to tells them who they are.  Gets caught up in their own head or obsesses about their body and identity, but they do it in order to gain confidence in themselves. They are not stubborn, but can appear that way, because they only person they answer to is themselves. If they don’t want to do it, they will not. Since this is their chart ruler, they feel destined to be “someone one day” and will have a lot of drive and ambition, no matter what befalls them.

1st house Lord in the 2nd: Very interested in money and finances and their own security. They may find themselves working for money at a younger age, in order to gain that financial freedom. They are on a quest to find value in themselves, and may hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of the world, which can cause insecurity in things that they deserve to have confidence in. Since this is their chart ruler, stability and value will weight out everything, and they will most likely be rather wealthy, through their own ambition or through a partner.

1st House Lord in the 3rd: Would rather build a life as a big fish in a little pond than a small fish in some ocean, unless they know they can climb the ladder in their community. They will most likely have a strong bond with siblings, whether good or bad, and want to be close to them later in life. Very intellectual, and make good writers and journalists. Since this is their chart ruler, they will be very connected to their childhood, and earliest memories throughout their life, and even with big dreams and ambitions could find themselves content living only a short distance from what they have always known.

1st House Lord in the 4th: Needs their family to have an identity. If their family is near that’s great, if their family is gone, they will always search for one. They don’t know themselves as different from their ancestral roots, and may have some family karma that they are destined to purify. They are usually the pride of their family (especially grandparents), through their lifestyle that doesn’t stray too far from the family tree, and simultaneously honors their name. Since this is their chart ruler, the native can find themselves very attached to nurture and comfort and be really secretive, as expressing their truest desires cannot happen without feeling incredibly vulnerable.

1st House Lord in the 5th: needs to be having fun, nostalgia or sex with no strings to feel stable. The excitement they need to feel secure can be a lot for people who like to slow it down sometimes, but it doesn’t work like that for these natives. Youthful exuberance is blocked when the ruler is Saturn, however it doesn’t fully matter the planet, they will work hard to play hard no matter what.  They know who they are by what they have created.

1st House Lord in the 6th: Steadfast and meticulous, strong and determined, albeit OCD. They know who they are by what they can show for it. If a day is done and they were not productive, it can make them depressed. Very good mannered and can be loners. Really enjoy the day to day work that life has to give them. Excellent in business and execution.

1st House lord in 7th: needs a partner to know themselves. Always seems to be in a relationship, even if it’s short lived. Does better in partnerships than they do alone. Enjoys sharing life with someone, and identifies with their partner. Can become a copy of their partner.

1st House lord in 8th: needs to connect on a deeper level with another person to have a personality. Does not have an identity if not sharing resources and being taken care of. May be looked At as a sex symbol, or even used for sex. Destroys people for a living, if they do not comply with their directive.

1st House Lord in the 9th: enlightment, intelligence and face drive you to become more than you were born for. You really do not know how to stop, and then you must stop because of outside forces. Expansion and growth take the place of security for you, acting as security.

1st house lord in 10th: uses public platform to express their personality, identifies with their career and public image. Takes public rejection personally. Seems to have a light shining on them at all time. Lights up a room.

1st House Lord in the 11th: As a child, friendships or imaginary friends, were probably really important to you, and as you grow older ambition and dreaming, drive you more. Have a lot of acquaintances, prefer that to best friends. Like being popular. Enjoy the future more than you’re own life.

1st House Lord in the 12th: belongs to the spirit world, it’s hard to get their feet rooted in reality. They are very aware of karma, and desire to do “good” and to stay “pure”.  They daydream and can get caught off guard when their actions affect others. They are usually not aware when someone else’s actions affect them on a physical or emotional level, until it’s too late.


2nd House Lords: Material & Confidence

2nd House Lord in the 1st: confidence can be locked up in the inability to understand oneself outside what you have been told your whole life.  Shadowed insecurity can look like ego. Familiarity with money, or money making can come as a second nature–either you have had money your whole life, or you understand it subconsciously. Money can leave as quickly as it came, but you spend it to make it, just like self confidence, you lose it to get it back harder.

2nd House Lord in the 2nd: Feel beautiful and confident even when it’s tried. Know yourself. Protect yourself. Create stability on your own. Lucky in love–money and attractive people are drawn to you. Enjoy nice cars and fancy things.  Can make money through family, friends, loved ones, men, etc.

2nd House Lord in the 3rd: confidence from their familiarity, don’t like to be put in new situations, and can even hate to travel–even if other placements push them out into the world, anyway. They value the connections of close relationships, and probably have close friends from childhood, carry into adulthood. They make a lot of money in their communities, and can become community organizers, or teachers. If they learn to take risks and get out of their comfort zone, they can make a lot of money in public speaking roles, journalism, songwriting or novel writing.

2nd house lord in the 4th: confidence from family ties. Makes money from family, doesn’t have to worry about money growing up–or has deep depression because they did have to worry about money. Good with money, family counselor, makes money off  family dynamic, real state agent. Beautiful mother. Confused about upbringing. Lover of money. Needs money and beauty to survive and feel stable.

2nd house lord in 5th: confidence is expressed through creative endeavors, sex and ego expression. Make money off your kids, and creations. Find your confidence in how creative and talented your children are. Stage parents. Make money off of spawn or creative endeavors. Etsy is a thing here. Your mother might be a stage parent.

2nd house lord in 6th: confidence is expressed though body function and health, a perfectionist, hates themselves if not perfect, can make money off a memoir of diary. Or a lifestyle website, teaching better ways to live. Service industry/bartender, or personal trainer. Creative with finances and style and beauty. Actors and Artists. Famous for being beautiful. Famous for your work ethic and just being famous at work.

2nd house lord in 7th: only feels worthwhile when in a relationship. Takes breakups hard as they make them feel worthless. If their partner is mean to them, they take it as an attack on their value as a person. Makes money off their spouse, or partners. Could make money counseling people on relational issues.

2nd House Lord in the 8th: Can be clingy. Needs other people’s permission to exist. Dependent. Intimate fast. Sexual but can hate sex. Romantic. Has inconceivable notions about love and romance and future partners. Puts their energy on others a little too often. Has to learn to lighten up and take control of self. Can make money through investments in other people.

2nd House Lord in the 9th: Prone to inheritance.  Fame from a family name. Your name could be famous. Expansion of your beauty–might be addicted to plastic surgery. Has money for school. Works hard and is methodical. Deserves accolades, even if nepotist. Makes money through investing, stocks, etc. Smart about wealth and beauty. Desires nice things, and to always be ahead of the Jones. Quick thinking in money endeavors. Like sharing wealth with others. Can be shady.

2nd House Lord in the 10th: Looks beautiful to EVERYONE in the world. Can be vain. Likes attention. Attention seeking. Loves sharing their wealth.  Flashy. A lot for most people.  The embodiment of extra. Loves clothes and sharing advice on beauty and money and business too. Just is pretty and popular, so deal with it. Expansive empires.

2nd House Lord in the 11th: Sharing wealth and beauty with others in order to network and advance self–person to person. Good with dealing with others. All around nice guy. People really love you, and being around you. Enjoy popularity. Feel good in confined places, like a church or a building. Being known in the place you go.  Afraid of being internet famous, or famous in general. Enjoy fame from friends.

2nd in the 12th: makes money off of meditation, astrology, anything that expands consciousness and your mind. Getting paid to heal others through energy. Shares love of healthcare and cosmetics. Networks with money, beauty products, fashion advice. Can be very successful showing off wealth, because no one thinks you’re flashy.


3rd House Lords: Expression & Community

3rd House Lord in the 1st: Big fish in a big pond. Important to people. Most likely popular. Very friendly only to people you deem important. Enjoy sensual politics. Can talk to anyone, but prefers not to. The most popular person wherever they go. Never a wallflower. Always with something to say. Known throughout the land for their sharp intellect, and hotness. Very confident.

3rd House Lord in the 2nd: Insecure, but very popular. Worried about losing what you have that makes you stable. Feels like what belongs to you can be taken away. Flirtatious and lover of beauty. Loves to talk about things they love. Talks with a pretty voice. Draws people in with their voice. Everyone loves them, and they do know, but also feel that it could be taken. Overly-confident.

3rd House Lord in the 3rd: Expert communicator. Paralysis of analysis at times. Too much thought. Knows themselves for being smart. Likes to be the big fish in a little pond. Enjoys popularity from friends that they have always known. Makes random knowledge your personality. Likes nostalgia. Enjoys listening to yourself speak. Can forget if there are other people with you, because you enjoy your own company so much. But still socially active.  Likes using others as soundboards, more than actually asking for advice.

3rd House Lord in the 4th: Finds stability and security in knowledge. Loves to know everything. Know-it-all. Has a lot of money and knows how to get it. Hates being without, and will actively change their situation before anything goes wrong. Knows how to change docks before locking in on anything, because of their need to be right in their life. Can hold on to security even if it’s a detriment to them–for instance sticking with a partner who sucks just because they provide for them and it’s practical.

3rd house lord in 5th: you communicate very creatively and take a lot of pride in your words. You may have a tendency to exaggerate, spin elaborate stories, even lie to prove a point. All words and life stories are used as a form of entertainment even if you have to lie. You may also believe that you are more intelligent, beautiful, and talented than you are, because your community sees you that way–you are a big fish in a little pond, and you allow yourself to believe their praise–this is not your downfall, it’s your truth.

3rd House Lord in the 6th: Knows themselves for being smarter than everyone. Incredibly intelligent and well learned, even if not well educated. School of hard knocks. Learns through observation. Great memory. Skilled at knowing what needs to be done. Can get stuck in your own head. Leader through thought. Methodical with their body. Wants to streamline themselves and others. Very sexual. Known for their brain from their coworkers. Often times, given the ball to take the lead on things that belonged to others. Can have anxiety and depression, or panic disorders and OCD.

3rd house lord in 7th: communicates and connects solely with partners and relationships, utilizes connections well, enjoys the dark side or shadow work and should be allowed to express it, but no one wants you too. People try to stop you from thinking your own thoughts. Get called stupid. People don’t trust you or what you have to say. Believe your knowledge that you have grown up knowing does not belong to you. Poeple think you steal other’s ideas. You have opinions on love and partners, that people take as gold. Can give information away for free, or have their work stolen from them, and have no one believe them. Loves gossip and your idea of keeping a secret is telling one person at a time.

3rd House Lord in the 8th: Likes to stretch their brain muscles. Enjoys reading. Likes murder and true crime. Can become obsessed. Mentally disturbed or struggles with mental illness. Hears voices. Not as intelligent as you desire to be, but will work hard to become smarter. Brain is consistently learning in adulthood, the same lessons they learned in childhood. Has a hard time retaining information, but good at dictating, and copying.

3rd house lord in 9th: makes a huge move or change in late childhood that expands their learning and teaches them new things. They may have started life sheltered and so they always approach new horizons with wonderment. They are in love with traveling and learning because of this. They are very practical people and enjoy facts, life may not have started this way, but at some point in life, the veil was ripped off their eyes unexpectedly and now they don’t have a lot of faith or expectations about people’s grandiose illusions.

3rd House Lord in the 10th: Know fame like the back of your hand. Trust your instincts out in the world. Your memory is gold to people, so are your thoughts, and so is your sexuality. People like to know and hear what you have to say through your mind and body. Expressive about life. Loves to hangout with old friends from the past, even when on to bigger things. People don’t always want you to speak, but when you do, you inspire them to learn more about themselves. Like to teach and show more than learn. Value insight from intellectual and intelligent people.

3rd House Lord in the 11th: Socially intelligent. Scholarly. Can get people on your side. People value what you know and what you have to say. Lover of the arts, books, music, etc. Can get into darker occult or more spiritually religious. Love death and birth. Want to know everything and share it with everyone. Enjoys when people listen to what they have to say and accept it as truth. Genius level speaking. Can get up in your own head with how vast your knowledge is on certain particular subjects. Subject to schizotypal or schizophrenia from how spiritual your lower mind is.

3rd House Lord in the 12th: Loves expressing themselves to those who take them seriously. Can give a lot of information away for free. Enjoys secrets. Love learning secrets. Are more outgoing than people would expect. Untrustworthy looking, but pretty good at not spilling secrets.


4th House Lords: Home & Ancestry/Roots

4th house lord in 1st:

4th house lord in 2nd:

4th house lord in 3rd:

4th house lord in 4th: needs time to themselves, needs to meditate and feel secure in their home. They will do everything they can to make sure their home is not ripped out from under them. Are very concerned with their own emotional wellbeing.

4th house lord in 5th:

4th house lord in 6th:

4th house lord in 7th: connects emotionally to other people, puts all hope in someone else to provide a home, and will never live alone. Looks to a partner both business and relationship to provide emptional support. Can become too connected to business partners, and be pained to part ways. Breakups take an emotional toll.

4th house lord in 8th: relational issues stem from observing your mother, connects emotionally to other people’s money, emotionally needs committed relationships, believes other people’s assets belong to them, ends up moving in with all lovers, bringing all emotional baggage from previous relationships with them. Jumps from rock to rock.

4th house lord in 9th:

4th House Lord in the 10th:  lacked a nurturing parent figure, from either a mother who took on the “father” role, or a father who tried to be nurturing–due to the lack of Yin and Yang in parental structure. You desire attention for who you are, and where you came from, not necessarily what you’re good at.  Can make a career of your personal reality (reality TV, social media influencer, or a memoir), or spend your time helping others, instead of yourself.

4H Lord in the 11H: the 8H of the 4H

4th house lord in 12th:


5th House Lords: Creativity, Children & Sex for Procreation

5th house lord in the 1st:  has very smart and driven children, and loves to talk about that to others. Has a lot of genius ideas, and puts them to work easily as they become their life. Appears very confident in their own abilities. A lot of educators and highly intelligent people have this placement. Put their children first in their lives, and are know for their children–and their brain children. Not very good with adults or boring people, really love talking to creative young people or young at heart old people. Your personality is outgoing, but possibly egoic and unable to conversate normally, always bringing the conversation back to you and what you have accomplished. Learn later to care about others.

5th house lord in 2nd: has creative blockage if not self sustained, needs to believe in themselves and believe they are worthy to have any ego. Very attractive to the opposite sex. has children that are confident and live with high standards and morals, also considered attractive and well liked. A lot of actors and models have this placement. Put a lot of work into the things you care about, such as children, creative endeavors and aesthetics, and can have it taken from you by others who believe everything you do is meant for them, since the 2nd house is money, and also the 10th house of the 5th, people don’t value you and the fact that you should make your own money off your creations and instead wish to steal it for their own and put it into their own public 10th house.

5th house lord in the 3rd: has talkative children, maybe kids with ADHD or identity issues. Creates a lot of sporadic things, can’t be nailed down to one genre of artwork. Is considered friendly and good at connecting to others in order to sell their work. A lot of writers have this placement. Their children are generally badass, and really good at networking, communicating and understanding the nature of the world they live in. When they create, it is usually for the good of their community or to grow the world in someway.

5th house lord in 4th: might have a bad connection with their children, maybe a separation that causes a downfall in the natives life. Has a hard time reaching their creative juices, even if they know they are in there. A lot of coaches and teachers have this placement. Mother was very important to their development or discomfort as a child. Needs a stable home in order to create. Expresses their creativity at home through cooking and cleaning and decorating. Uses creative ways to express their feelings, finds their ego is attached to how nice their house is. Desires children in their home.

5th house lord in the 5th: naturally creative and identifies with their abilities. Sees themselves as a creative genius. Children are usually talented in the arts as well, and not very logically inclined or book smart, but very driven creatively. Could desire or have a a lot of kids. A lot of artists, politicians have this placement. Children are genuinely your life and blood. You might spend too much time with your kids, or children, or young people, because you prefer the company of youth over adults who bore you.

5th house lord in the 6th: children bring you money, maybe through child support or your child’s hard work. Not always considered attractive or well liked. Seem to have a rough go at it, but do work really hard. A lot of skeptics and people with no vision have this placement. Will work for food and stability. Will throw yourself at rich men or women to give you stability. Have a good ability to grind that can get in the way of creation, or if you are lazy, spend too much time hoping someone loves you for you without having to work at all or yield any fruit.

5th house lord in the 7th: great communicator. Learned to talk at a young age. Loves speaking and understanding. Loves to express love to people, may have many lovers and never marry. Could have separation from their children, or experience a disconnect with them. A lot of diplomats have this placement. Love giving gifts to their partners that they have made from the heart. Enjoy quality time and effective communication with their partners over anything else they could give them. Love to love, and believe that is the reason they have anything to offer. Can sometimes be too clingy, and may forget to actually create from this space of love, and just use it as a means to an end–hang on to others in order to make someone else create space for them.

5th house lord in 8th: has creative blockage without someone paying for them to live, needs security with a partner to have any ego, can’t create until new relationship is intense. May have been a sexual deviant in youth, could poke holes in condoms, desire children and go about it in a deviant way. A risk taker, with lovers, children and money. May have their children run from them. May hold something they love for ransom with their fingers crossed. Are skilled at creative deception and know how to play cat and mouse games and win. Considered sexy, and unconventionally attractive with blemishes or prominent moles representing a difficult life. A lot of late bloomers have this placement. May spend their whole life chasing a dream to die when they get it.

5th house lord in the 9th: 4th very smart and creative, charismatic. Really good placement. Strong and idealistic. Adored and cultured children. Worshiped for their ideas. A lot of celebrities or regal people have this placement. Wise beyond your years in childhood, have very wise children. Your children are your teachers, and you are theirs. You have famous children, and your creative ideas can make you very famous as well. You take time to incubate all ideas before delivering them, and when you do they are PERFECT, or at least foolproof.

5th house lord in 10th:  Put your children and your brain children-ideas-out into the world before they are old enough to survive. Love to work your children, give them jobs at young ages. Believe your talents are ripe before they are. Don’t work as hard as you think, however feel you are always grinding-because you are. Need to find a balance between work, and creative idea making, because for you, any idea is an idea that needs to be put to work immediately. Learns overtime to let ideas sit, and creativity to incubate and children to grow before putting them on blast for maximum (and powerful) effects.

5th house lord in 11th: 7th Treat children like partners. Use children and your ideas to network with others. May stand behind children as protection from others, creating anxious children who are always vulnerable but not allowed to be. Loves to share all ideas with others, and network those ideas for maximum effects. Can steal others work as their own, when communicating thoughts–other people’s genius may fall into your lap as your own idea accidentally, and vice versa. Be careful when communicating with anyone about things you love and have pride in, it’s important to remember to be safe in the world surrounded by others, and this includes your actual children. You are the keeper of your thoughts, kids, and creations, not the world.

5th lord in the 12th: highly talented. Creative genius. Very lucky with talent, may not have to work very hard at it. Like second nature. Secretive about your creative energies, and so secret, no one may ever find out how amazing and talented your work is. Sometimes too rigid and too desiring to kill the shit ideas, so you keep having to start over. May have abortions, or the desire to smother your own children. May want to devour other people, in an effort to be better. Not concerned with other people’s opinions, until other people have opinions, and then very concerned.


6th House Lords: Routine & Health

6th house lord in 1st: needs to be seen as intelligent, pretends to have shit together, appearance management is important to you

6th house lord in 2nd:

6th house lord in 3rd:

6th house lord in 4th:

6th house lord in 5th:

6th house lord in the 6th: obsessive compulsive, body dysmorphia, perfectionistic to a fault, insanely self deprecating, paralyzing insecurities, genius mind that moves too fast, hard time connecting to people on a daily basis, has too many boundaries and walls.

6th house lord in 7th: all daily activity needs to involve a partner, you hate to be alone and you want to share all facets of your life, including bodily functions and hygiene. You may bring your mental sicknesses into relationships. Histrionic.

6th house lord in the 8th: controls relationships, holds others to very high standards, mentally abusive, delusions of grandeur, can’t stand the imperfect people around them, overestimates own abilities, sexual deviant

6th house lord in 9th:

6th house lord in 10th:

6th house lord in 11th:

6th house lord in the 12th: compartmentalizes their mind, very pragmatic, works through illness and won’t take breaks to heal, takes life too seriously, refuses to enjoy themselves, hates their unconscious thought, feels guilty all the time, delusional about what people expect from them.



7th House Lords: Relationships & Subconscious (Reactions & Actions)

7th house lord in 1st:

7th house lord in 2nd:

7th house lord in 3rd: the most important relationships are formed in your youth and your earlier school years. You may marry someone from your childhood or the neighborhood you grew up in, or there is a longing to do so, as you have very fond memories. You’re happiest in love when you know everything about your SO and can communicate openly and have fun while doing it.

7th house lord in 4th:

7th house lord in 5th:

7th house lord in 6th: if you are single, you think about it at every moment in life, if you are in a relationship you never stop thinking of them. If your relationship is poor, your health will be bad

7th house lord in 7th: partnerships are very important, you are very charismatic, and make others feel important. Most relationships end with an engagement ring.

7th house lord in 8th: you use your partnerships and relationships for monetary gain and personal investments

7th house lord in 9th:

7th house lord in 10th:

7th house lord in 11th:


8th House Lords: Power, Control & Sex

8th House Lord in the 1st:

8th House Lord in the 2nd:

8th House Lord in the 3rd:

8th House Lord in the 4th:

8th House Lord in the 5th: natural inclination to hurt or control innocence. May use sex for power and manipulative tactics as they hold less connection to emotions and don’t find purity worth protecting.

8th house lord in the 6th: daily drama and chaotic encounters with others, issues fitting in, debilitating anxiety and depression, stupidly fearless, jumps into situations and relationships without thinking, life usually in shambles from horrible structure and routine, bad boundaries, bad health, bad, short-lived, dramatic relationships

8th house lord in the 7th: gets serious very fast, everyone you encounter is attracted to and obsessed with you at face value. Will work out your sexuality with a committed partner. Any sexual issues, hang ups or problems will come up with your partner.

8th house lord in the 8th: suicidal, multiple personalities, anxious, fearful, delusions, repeat same relational mistakes over and over, believe everyone hates them, have no boundaries for themselves, and manipulate others to get payment for what they gave freely.

8th House Lord in the 9th:

8th house lord in the 10th: you could be a model, or another profession that exploits your sexuality. Your public persona is one of sexual importance, and people you don’t know may talk about your sexual exploits. People may lie and try to smear your name.

8th house lord in the 11th: spend time counseling friends with their sexual issues and fears. Have a lot of knowledge on deep emotional wounds. You will have sexual relationships with your friends, and even some friends with benefits situations-only bad if the planet is afflicted. Probably are the sexiest in any situation involving friends. Will end up having to protect yourself from acquaintances, who assume you are asking for it.

8th house lord in the 12th: depressed, inferiority complex, feels worthless, chooses abusive relationships (either as abuser or abused), build up relationships in their head as worse or better than they are, paranoid, believe others want them dead, has rape fantasies possibly from own abuse


9th House Lords: Fame & Higher Learning/Consciousness

9th house lord in the 1st:

9th house lord in the 2nd:

9th house lord in the 3rd:

9th house lord in the 4th:

9th house lord in the 5th:

9th house lord in the 6th:

9th house lord in the 7th:

9th house lord in the 8th: gets school paid for through close connection or inheritance, gets help from others in their education, learns from their close contacts, teaches those close to them, can be sex or occult teachers

9th house Lord in the 9th: will use higher education and higher consciousness to get ahead. Can be lucky when they let go of their own wants and needs and give into the flow of conscious evolution. Must learn at all times or growth stops completely. Can have strong desires for stardom, but would not enjoy it if they were considered stupid, or put into a bimbo role in the public eye. They would, however, not mind infamy if they believe they are correct.

9th house lord in the 11th: exchanges information with the masses, prefers to learn in unconventional ways, knows useful things about the Internet, html, has a great memory  for people’s faces and doesn’t enjoy studying, but can remember facts from the first time they were presented

9th house lord in 12th: uses school and travel to heal past issues. Very good at studying and storing information. Will want to learn through experiencing and not teaching. Enjoy reading and consuming information.


10th House Lords: Career & Public Persona

10th house lord in the 1st: Would rather do nothing then do a job that some else wants them to do. Their career is for themselves alone and honors what they want. They should feel at home in a career, it should feel natural, or they will quit. Known for being themselves, and remaining true to who they are.

10th house lord in the 2nd: uses career and public image to gain value in self and have a sense of pride. Will not stay in a hard, dead end job that they can’t have fun in, and will over glorify the work that they do. Will showcase their sensuality in their career, and are always looking for their dream job, the one that makes them look more attractive. Will flaunt the powerful/lawful people they know, for protection and security. Known for their attractiveness and many love affairs.

10th house lord in the 3rd: sees work as a basic necessity of life, to be a normal functioning servant of society. Very meticulous and pays attention to detail in all aspects of career and public image. No matter which career field they end up in, they will work hard and be an efficient communicator. Known for being intelligent and a “yes man”.

10th house lord in the 4th: enjoys working with their loved ones if they have to put in work at all. They may marry someone who’s in the public eye. Would be satisfied as stay at home parent or work with ancestry and uncovering family secrets. Wants to be free and not confined to a 9-5 work week. Known for their warmth and who they are related to.

10th house lord in the 5th: wants to relive their childhood through professions that are very creative or fun. Will be coddled in their career, and helped along, which makes this a lucky placement. On a bad side they could be publicly known as a sexual predator, or work for people who have committed sex crimes. Known for their charm and ingenuity, or simpleminded incompetence.

10th lord in the 6th: enjoys coaching and teaching others. Wants to be the best at what they do and are considered experts on certain topics which most commonly have to do with health and science. Will have a career that requires extensive education. Workaholic. Known for their hard work and intelligence.

10th house lord in the 7th: has a career in order to take care of their partner. Their partner may also inspire their career. Sees their job as who they should be and has a hard time separating their life from who they are at work. May be obsessed with their public image, always puts up a front. Known for their career success and attractive partners.

10th house lord in the 8th: career is prone to gossip and speculation. Lots of attention to what they do and who they are “doing”. Will benefit monetarily and career wise, from infamy. May have inappropriate work relations, or fraternize with the staff. Known for their charm and having affairs to get ahead.

10th house lord in the 9th: will spend a lot of time being lost on a career direction, but will come out as a spiritual teacher, or cult leader. have the ability to connect with people on a soul level and lead them into new belief systems. Will be known for their ability to give new perspectives and open minds.

10th house lord in the 10th: identify with their career, believe this is who they are. If they are not successful will feel as if their life is meaningless and that they are nothing. Very driven and ambitious because of that. Will not take their life sitting down, and will have a very public career, and are usually good actors. Known for their perfectly and carefully-crafted personality.

10th house lord in 11th: great at turning their lofty career ambitions into a stable reality. Achieve their career goals through nepotism, and knowing the right people. Tend to be a business wolf in sheep’s clothing. Uses connections to create a lucrative career. Known for their attractiveness and charm that brings people to them.

10th lord in the 12th: their career can be their undoing. Don’t know what they want to do, so they will often exhaust their energy by throwing themselves into too many things at one time. Will probably end up going into a spiritual occupation or exhaust themselves into isolation. Will be known for their ability to shape shift into many different roles throughout their lives.


11th House Lords: Network & Dreams

11th house lord in 1st:

11th house lord in 2nd: uses friends and acquaintances to help them love themselves, uses people for money, probably sets up go fund me campaigns for stupid shit, feels worthless when no one donates.

11th house lord in 3rd:

11th house lord in 4th: treats friends like family as its your friends make you feel secure. You are emotionally connected to your networks, and can be very loyal to the people who work at your dead end job.

11th House Lord in the 5th: Uses the influence of others to show them what to make and how to create. They are fortunate, because they are tapped into the “system” or network that makes the world work, so they find success in their creations. They have a tendency to use their important connections for play and not business, which can get them into trouble, and possibly not be taken seriously.

11th house lord in 6th:

11th house lord in 7th:

11th house lord in 8th: gives of themselves to their friends and can be taken advantage of by them both monetarily and sexually. Tend to believe that friends should have the ability to share wealth and assets, even if it’s been proven false. Want close relations to get in on their dreams. May receive counseling for sexual issues from a step parent, or close friends. Rumors can be spread rather easily about who you’re sleeping with, even if false.

11th house lord in 9th: this is a luckier situation, when it comes to the natives ability to make friends with high minded, and higher vibrational people. Usually have good friends, and can work well with others to make their own dreams a reality. They love to learn in group-settings, such as Universities and schools, as opposed to being alone in isolated study.

11th house lord in 10th:

11th house lord in 11th:

11th house lord in 12th:


12th House Lords: Undoing & Unconscious (deep recesses of our past and forgotten memories)

12th house lord in the 1st: acts out spiritual ideas, can do things without knowing they have done them. Can appear to lack self-control, but may just be going with the flow of their unconscious desires. Can sometimes feel invincible, and not realize the confines of their own skin.  May believe themselves to be higher-minded than others, and not realize they’re becoming prideful on their quest for enlightenment. Enlightened narcissist.

12th house lord in 2nd: Afraid of fear and shame. Depressed about your appearance, and money. Homeless. Must always be acquiring resources and assets to prove you’re stable. Do what you have to do to get by and protect your future.

12th house lord in 3rd: Forgets their mind. Hates where they’re from. Has lot of shame from early childhood. Has to constantly workout and stretch your conscious mind to be happy so that others want to be around you and know how great you are.

12th house lord in 4th: Their mom was abusive. Fear of women or controlling authoritative people. Runs away a lot. Protects self from your shame through creating self-sustaining energy, away from others. Anti-Social. You don’t care who gets hurt in the process as your job is not to make them happy, it’s to be reborn again and again from the ashes, through your own inner strength.

12th house lord in the 5th: likes to create from their own inner world, not confined by the expectations of others in what they make and how they express their heart. Need to be pure, and feel guilty when doing recreational drugs or having sex when not in a relationship–if they don’t reconcile with this feeling, it can show itself as shame and constant rationalizing which creates a viscous cycle of self-abuse. May have dreams or fears of the death of a child, or on the other hand, could feel that an abortion is the only way to free themselves of a person they slept with. Their children will end up being psychic or spiritual.

12th house lord in the 6th: has delusions, acts on devious impulses and unconscious thoughts, psychosomatic illnesses, believes others are watching them, creates own reality, failure to accomplish normal tasks but still believe they are able to complete magnificent feats, they protect themselves and give very little away, but penetrate other’s boundaries and take from them.

12th house lord in the 7th: can be blinded by relationships, may choose to believe the best in bad people, or forget and forgive bad behavior. Can be taken advantage of by partners, and stay in the situation. Tend to be closed off because of their own mistrust from their own bad past relational decisions.

12th house lord in the 8th: delusions of grandeur, delusions about others, paranoid, create chaos and drama, put insane demands on others, make others jump through hoops to prove their loyalty, don’t believe their partners love them, have unreasonable demands for others that they don’t have for themselves, have no boundaries, but won’t allow themselves to intrude in others lives, often assume others intentions instead of asking, can have relationships with those who don’t know they exist, black out during sex, forget partners.

12th lord in the 9th: able to take information from everywhere you go, and use it for what You need it for. Thinks outside of the box, become a published fantasy or astrology writer. Would have a hard time going to school and universities, antisocial, channels knowledge from memories forgotten.

12th house lord in 10th: Your shame drives you to a prominent place in society. What you are most afraid of in yourself is what everyone loves. Also you can be prone to cancellations. People hating you, for being true to yourself, separate from what you hate about yourself. Feeling vulnerable. Fish out of water.

12th house Lord in the 11th: can put a lot of their own pain on acquaintances, or those they just met, to share burdens–do not like to be alone in their own thoughts. Are very open with their personal battles, and can have an aura of sadness around them if they choose to stuff it inside. Are very good friends and helpful if they can balance listening and sharing.

12th house lord in the 12th: forgetful, suicidal with no understand as to why (from forgetting past abuse), anxiety, depression, destructive, manipulative, self/sabotaging, refusal to learn from past mistakes, inability to learn karmic and everyday lessons, psychic vampires, no relational boundaries, give too much and take too much.